Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [pron] [be] n't " in BNC.

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1 But I mean it 's like Hugh , they said he had n't registered or something was n't it ?
2 ‘ Do n't you know that there is n't a bus till dawn ? ’ he rasped .
3 But how did you know that there was n't some big secret , some big , evil deal going down that involves you but had been kept secret from you ?
4 You could n't simply ignore the fact that he had sentenced you to death , but it was important to let him know that you were n't rattled .
5 But she must know that it is n't clever to be asked to leave a country while on assignment .
6 Little did he know that it was n't a smile , but a grimace of pain .
7 noticing that they were n't they get , I suppose you get to know who has what and that they thought
8 The android appeared to accept that she was n't his target .
9 I understand ; I mean , you want to know that someone is n't just making the whole thing up when they talk about a man being that special to them .
10 It was a relief to Jean to know that it is n't just the children after all .
11 It was such a relief to know that I was n't the only one !
12 Despite being caught up in an almost mystical trance , Laura had not entirely forgotten that she was n't the only person swimming in the ocean .
13 I think also you would expect children who are really quite young , well before the first year , to be showing social interest in other adults around , and if they 're not it might be worth checking that there is n't some problem with the child .
14 I think also you would expect children who are really quite young , well before the first year , to be showing social interest in other adults around , and if they 're not it might be worth checking that there is n't some problem with the child .
15 ‘ Can you guarantee that he was n't ? ’
16 So , like a mug , I went out and bought it , only to find that it is n't anything like Pink Floyd .
17 He was a little surprised to find that he was n't afraid .
18 She had been amazed to find that he was n't married , and waited painfully for the announcement of an engagement , or a sizzling scandalous affair .
19 Conversely , many players get caught up with the fashionable aspect and spend ages learning how to , say , play slap impressively , then get a gig with a band only to find that there is n't a context where it can be used .
20 ‘ How ? ’ she asked , disappointed that he was n't confiding in her .
21 He discovered that his nose was bleeding where Scruffy had scratched it + when he put a paw up to stroke his whiskers , he found that they were n't there !
22 After I had finally collected my British passport from Petty France , I bought an Evening Standard and found that I was n't in the team .
23 He tore it open and found that it was n't empty , just that the fine powder inside took up so little space .
24 We were also glad to report that the lease holders at the time found that it was n't profitable and relinquished their rights .
25 Morag and Granny started on this job right away but they soon found that it was n't as easy as it looked .
26 He did that to get publicity , cos in fact they found that it was n't eh , rubbish he was selling in there .
27 There was just because there was n't enough money within all unions , not forget that there was n't such a thing as a T U C then , this was in at the infancy when the unions first started , there was n't such as a T U C , Trades Unions Congress .
28 I knew you were committed and I was n't going to interrupt . ’
29 And he obviously did n't know and it was n't public knowledge that it was his wife that was
30 So I mean if y if you say that 's , that 's the income you 've got at the moment , what , what sort of income would you believe that er that Mrs Goodwin would need if you were n't around tomorrow ?
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