Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [pron] thought [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Because of the way he was looking , his parted lips , his wondering eyes , she felt desire , a flicker of it , the first sign , the first time for months , a movement like a string being plucked where she thought her womb was .
2 And , anyway , she was n't so deluded that she thought they might make a life together .
3 I say that I thought we had already been through all this .
4 It takes me places that I thought I 'd never see
5 And it bounced and bounced and bounced and I thought it was going on for ages but it did n't .
6 A spokesman for the City 's surveyors department said : ‘ There was an element of confusion after the blast because the Chamber of Shipping building had partially collapsed and we thought there might be similar damage to the Baltic .
7 I do n't know cos we thought you 'd be the only one who actually managed to get a copy when nobody else could lay their fice for the af from two o'clock in the afternoon yeah F finalised
8 The driver gunned the motor but that only threw off sprays of fine snow , and the motor howled until I thought it would burst .
9 I says no she says have you got one I says no but I was gon na say Ange has cos I thought she wanted to defrost something .
10 ‘ I should be mortified if I thought I 'd missed a chance to do him a mischief , but it 'd be a cold day in hell before I 'd make a spectacle of myself in the market place . ’
11 His voice was muffled and I thought he was trembling .
12 Dr Steel said it was difficult to estimate when the gene would be located but he thought it would be months rather than years .
13 It was n't vital to come but I thought I ought to .
14 The kids were mortified but I thought it was a real hoot . ’
15 I was absolutely devastated because we thought we had done nothing wrong .
16 Include also those items which you wanted to have in the past but dismissed because you thought you could not have them or simply forgot about them .
17 Do n't know whether they thought I was gon na leave home at half past five this morning .
18 I went into the gardens one Sunday morning with the dog found a body in a sleeping bag and I really did n't know whether I thought it was alive or not alive so I went rather closer and I got a very defensive angry stare from a young man and I said to him I 'm not going to ask you to move , because you 've probably got nowhere to go , my real concern is are you okay .
19 I mean I do n't know whether she thought she could put them in the garden when she got to the new place and they 'd grow but
20 ‘ When you said something about the real tragedy for anyone facing a handicap is when expected support is withdrawn , then yesterday at your flat I realised that you thought I 'd walked out on Jennifer when I discovered she had MS .
21 ‘ Some also commented that they thought we were not fit enough , ’ added Walter .
22 It was touching to me to see how she would sometimes act helpless because she loved him being , as he often was , masterful with her , as well as tender ; and for his part it was easy to see that he thought her a wonderful woman and admired every inch of her .
23 Clough also revealed that he thought he had signed Welsh international striker Dean Saunders before his move to Liverpool — and admitted selling Teddy Sheringham to Tottenham may have been a mistake .
24 It had arrived quite quickly , and they had said that they thought she had a burst ulcer .
25 ‘ I was passing and I thought I 'd just pop in and see how you were . ’
26 yeah , well I was there the other day and erm the bell went and nobody sort of moved and I thought I think , I know , you know , so I got up and I washed me cup of tea like , you know , they looked at me as if you know oh there 's a keen , but I mean I do think it 's important to do that , because not only that it 's not fair for the
27 I 've always I 've always felt If I thought it was necessary then that 's the end of it er as far as I know .
28 How do those issues get decided and I thought there 's no sensible answer .
29 Well you should 've done cos I thought you were going to cos I thought yeah we 've got , have n't got anything to do this afternoon
30 Not at the time no it did n't it bothered me when it was done because I thought you 've probably done something and the outcome would be that so at the time it did n't bother me because I was n't interested in the situation
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