Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [pron] will only " in BNC.

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1 The present unsatisfactory state of the law relating to VAT could mean that VAT paid by the tenant may not be recoverable , and therefore the tenant should consider amending such a provision to provide that it will only pay VAT on such sums where it is first presented with a valid VAT invoice in the tenant 's name .
2 The government insists that it will only be restarted if it passes stringent safety tests , and that a technical council composed of Russian , American , French and German experts will oversee its operation .
3 The N.E.B.E. have decided that they will ONLY accept applications if the Students have achieved a pass mark of 60% in the End of Module Tests.This is felt to be in the best interests of both Students and Tutors since they do form 25% of the final Written Examination Marks .
4 Ask Computer Systems Inc warns that it will only break even , and may make a loss for its fiscal third quarter , adding that the poor profit forecast results from its failure to close about $10m in sales in the period but that does not necessarily mean the company permanently lost those sales ; the company said a significant amount of software licence sales it had expected for the quarter did not close in time .
5 Seven thousand injuries and many of these could be avoided if we will only take reasonable and proper precautions that we should do .
6 Are you saying that you will only close these homes if there are very few residents , in other words a shortfall ?
7 While I am away please note that there will only be weekday Masses on Monday and Friday .
8 Where the departure follows upon some dispute , on the other hand , there will be a natural inclination to enforce the restrictions in full , but it should be remembered that they will only be binding upon the outgoing partner himself , not on third parties .
9 During the period the hired car will be insured under this policy in exactly the same way as your own car is insured and you will only have to pay for the petrol used .
10 Regional Railways North East Investment have decreed that we will only get work
11 It follows that there will only be one level of national income at which aggregate demand is equal to the total value of production .
12 A small generator can be used primarily to stop a battery discharging and it will only be able to recharge a battery if it is small and has a long time in which to do it .
13 This means it will be difficult to implement servers or distributed applications with a high-level of security or be compatible with systems that do and there will only be very limited interoperability between NT and DCE applications .
14 I 've told the teeniest weeniest white lie and said that I will only be staying with you for a week or so . "
15 In the last five years since he set up his consultancy from his Bayswater home with a £20,000 overdraft and a stack of letterhead stationery , he has insisted that he will only work for causes in which he believes , and these causes are , by and large , left-wing .
16 that does n't mean to say that we will only print those
17 Certainly they will have a presence in the instant sector that will be created but they will only want to hold shares in two or three companies .
18 Experience suggests that they will only pay wages comparable with those in industry when circumstances force them to do so .
19 I ca n't help feeling that we will only really start to make progress when we have a generation of decision-makers whose understanding of the issues is more intuitive . ’
20 Er , the position of the British government is this , that it regrets er the inconvenience and the expense , er it would like to see a very sensible resolution but it knows that there will only be a resolution as I know the honourable gentleman knows by unanimity and it does not expect to see that unanimity in the future though it will work for it .
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