Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [pron] will [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Adoption agencies in Britain take the greatest trouble to see that children are placed where they will enjoy a strong family background .
2 Must eat or they will faint ; hungry empty feeling in the whole abdomen .
3 ‘ I 'd better go and help him unpack or he 'll bite my head off . ’
4 Leave go I say or you 'll send us both below to crack our skulls .
5 Do exactly as I say or I 'll cover the mattress with your brains , understand me ? ’
6 Or if my mother comes up , and I 'm sort of just getting up , she says , oh do you want me to bring stuff up , or ideally , I usually say or I 'll come downstairs and get breakfast .
7 We talk about London and Grand Isle , and all the while I am praying that he will ask us on his boat .
8 Please keep praying that I will master the German ways of doing things , that are so different .
9 I do n't deserve another chance — but I 'm hoping , praying that you will give me one anyway . ’
10 From the ascription on the first page of H400D , Te Deum Simple Le feu Roy ayant voulu qu'il ne dura guere plus que sa messe ordinaire ( ‘ Simple Te Deum , the late King having wished that it will last little more than his usual mass ’ ) , we can deduce that this score , or at least this inscription , must be dated between the death of Louis XIV in September 1715 , and that of the composer , in June 1726 .
11 I suggest that you will derive much enjoyment from drawing stuffed birds , skeletons , photographs , videos as well as wild birds .
12 The report also suggest that there will need to be a greater commitment to wardening , monitoring and maintenance in future , if the situation is not to deteriorate again after the completion of repairs .
13 This is to request that you will send me no more goods unless ordered .
14 This just lets you know that we will pay you travel costs to and from
15 ‘ More to the point , Chieh Hsia , how do you know that they 'll do as you ask ? ’
16 Do I know that she will give me a lift ?
17 So if I do n't know that you will co-operate with me , why should I lose out by voluntarily cutting down on my consumption ?
18 I do know that you will have more peace if you can grasp how crucial relinquishment is , how utterly safe it is to place your children in God 's sure hands . ’
19 They should know that it will change nothing .
20 But in the meantime , you can let Jones know that he 'll have some waiting of his own to do .
21 By now most readers will know that I will have left Woodworker as you read this , and indeed by now the editor 's chair supports the capable frame of Zach Taylor .
22 My hon. Friend should know that I will deal with the interaction between immigration policy and asylum seeking later .
23 They do n't know that someone will vandalise the elevators and pee on the stairs .
24 The Prime Ministers and Foreign Secretaries of France , Germany , Italy , the Benelux or wherever should be reminded that they will have to account to their own Parliament .
25 The outside world talks of a war crimes tribunal but nobody supposes that anything will come of that .
26 It is obvious that a horse will run from a stick , spurs or fear of the rider , but it is hard to accept that he will try to pull on the bit if that very action increases the pain .
27 The double windows , divided by twin columns , are the most pleasing thing in the room , with simply sculpted capitals , of a demon , the head of Christ , animals , birds , stars and flowers ; these , like the door between them , once gave on to the cloister , and it is nice to know that they will do so again , once that vital adjunct has been rebuilt .
28 It is extremely gratifying to know that we will have a knowledgeable and committed environmentalist in the House of Lords on whom we can rely for help whenever the need arises .
29 And this means that if on the same grounds I claim today to know that it will rain in the afternoon , I must continue to assert that I knew yesterday that it would rain that afternoon ( in the teeth of the evidence ) .
30 ‘ I 've seen him play often enough to know that he will do a good job for us . ’
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