Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [pron] be to " in BNC.

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1 Thereafter the truly experienced Phillips-watcher will know that he is to be found in the corner of the studio conducting a vehement argument with himself on the subject of whatever he just did n't tell you , and will shortly be sending an assistant back to pick up his hat .
2 She did not know that I was to be there and came forward saying : ‘ My dear Elizabeth , what a very nice surprise .
3 BCRS members of all people will understand something of the geography and communications of the area , and will , I am sure , be interested to know that it was to the Stone House that our Secretary was taken after his recent heart attack . )
4 And the Royal Institution of Great Britain in Albemarle Street was that day announcing that there were to be eight lectures given by Mr. Faraday on Static or Franklinic Electricity , to commence on 21 April .
5 However as late as 1668 another Roman , Mario Savioni ( c. 1608–1685 ) brought out a book of five-part Madrigali morali e spirituali , explaining that they were to be sung each at the end of one of his previously published Concerti morali and adding that he had ‘ taken care to unite together the aria and the madrigal so as to conform with the character of the concertos ’ .
6 It was a kind of verse at which he himself excelled — there are those who say that it is to be found just under the surface of some of his apparently " serious " poetry — and Old Possum 's Book of Practical Cats has the spirit , if not the content , of the Bolovian stanzas which he had been writing since his early twenties .
7 I was pleased to hear the Prime Minister say that there is to be a debate next week .
8 Wendy and I were pleased to find that we were to be billeted in the same small town of Wolverton — pleased , that is , until we saw it !
9 We are happy to find that there is to be no repetition of the Buckingham House measures — beginning a vast edifice without money and without a definite plan , the upshot of which could be nothing but bungling .
10 Beccaria starts by looking at the justification of the right to punish ; he concludes that it is to be found in the social contract whose central tenet he declares to be ‘ the greatest happiness of the greatest number ’ ( it is possible that he is responsible for originating this particular cliché ) .
11 Antiracist orthodoxy now sees them as the only effective repositories of authentic black culture and as a guaranteed means to transmit all the essential skills that black children will need if they are to ‘ survive ’ in a racist society without psychological damage .
12 Any untoward or awkward transition is immediately noticeable because it destroys the calm dignity that the human body needs if it is to be shown at its best .
13 But in 1981 I tried to go further and identify a set of criteria which any proposed biochemical or cellular correspondent of memory formation would have to meet if it was to be regarded as a candidate memory process .
14 Meanwhile , it looks like we are to be blessed with a PowerPC consortium by April .
15 ‘ As I say , this is supposed to be Top Secret , but you 'd better know if you 're to be any help .
16 Society itself is , notoriously , changing very rapidly , and the possibility has to be considered that we are entering a period where the notions and the realities of political coercion , of production of wealth , and of cognition and legitimation , may need to be modified if they are to be useable in our actual social environment .
17 Left with this huge deficit the museum has resorted to trenchant measures : the coming centenary exhibition of Piet Mondrian in 1994 has been postponed ; vacancies at the museum have been frozen and there are to be no new acquisitions .
18 This first kite has to work if you are to be satisfied , so our first tip is for you to be conservative , and select one of the tried and tested shapes that give least trouble .
19 Bowe , 6ft 5in and 235lb , and with an 81-inch reach , represents the man mountain that Holyfield must scale if he is to be accepted as someone other than a caretaker holding the keys to the division until another genuine champion arrives .
20 He did not know whether it was to be part of this year 's pay round , but it was in itself a ‘ cost-neutral ’ proposal .
21 However , his action provoked significant comment from Treasury permanent secretaries , committed as they were to a Gladstonian ideology of ‘ cheap government ’ and to the subordination of the extravagant missionary zeal of medical reformers .
22 Of all the uniformed organizations , the Boys ' Life Brigade founded in Nottingham by the Revd John Brown Paton , was the most distinctive in so far as it appeared to be non-military , committed as it was to the principles of life-saving , even though it had a BB-style uniform and a military command structure .
23 The nagging doubt remains , however , that the thing might have looked blue to me , and that I had simply not realised that it was to the thing 's colour that I was expected to respond .
24 Who could this be ? she wondered rather crossly , not having realised that there was to be another woman there .
25 Blake realized that they were to be part of some evil black magic ceremony .
26 Was there any feeling when these letters were received that they were to be taken seriously or they were in fact a bluff ?
27 Does The Faerie Queene insist that it is to be read in such a manner that its role as a history ( which as both epic and romance it can claim to be symbolically ) must be seen as intrinsically different from the account of the English in Ireland which Spenser outlines in A View ?
28 We were a little discomfited by the request , but agreed to accede to it this once ; but when we realised that it was to be a regular arrangement , we knew that we should have to move again , for over and above the inconvenience of being put out of our room , we were sure that our landlady did not even change the sheets .
29 Surely all political parties would do well to agree that there is to be no political vacuum in Northern Ireland and that we are determined to fight for peace as the future of Northern Ireland .
30 On Sept. 4 the communists in the Supreme Soviet , who before the coup had numbered 324 out of the 450 deputies , mustered only 50 votes in favour of lifting the ban , and the leader of the CP bloc , Oleksandr Moroz , announced that it was to be dissolved .
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