Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [pron] be [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 " Well , the River Police suggest that it was to weight the body enough to keep it under water , but not to sink it .
2 IBM Corp has shocked all Manhattan — or at any rate New York 's chattering classes — by announcing that it is to close the Gallery of Science & Art , an extremely popular gallery for visiting art exhibitions in the basement of its tower on Madison Avenue : it says it will try to find the seven employees of the gallery other jobs in the company , without holding out very much hope .
3 Excuse me I have to say Princess Diana yesterday stunned the world announcing that she is to quit public life .
4 She first recognised her call in 1792 at the age of forty-two and at her death in 1814 was still announcing that she was to bear a saviour child , the " Almighty Shiloh " .
5 I think those are perhaps the hardest cases , where the parents are not able to cope because they just can not cope , they are subnormal , and you ca n't in any way say that they are to blame , they 're just totally inadequate people .
6 I felt awful as other children were upset and their mums looked horrified so I had to go and explain to each mum individually why I thought she did it and say that they were to feel free to stop her themselves and explain .
7 First , as Mercer and Julien remind us , such an equivalence tends to obscure exactly those differences which need to be addressed if we are to understand not only each kind of discrimination separately but also their interconnections ( ‘ Race , Sexuality and Black Masculinity ’ , 99 — 100 ) .
8 Janice , for her part , is immersed in the Highers she will need if she is to follow in the footsteps of the former Scottish Champion , Alison Gemmill , and join the police force .
9 Roof-bolt technology is the key to the leap in productivity that BC will need if it is to beat off the challenge from gas and imported coal and prevent the industry being reduced to a handful of pits .
10 But he wanted to save their publication for the book he was always going to write and which was to follow ‘ line for line ’ the artistic development of his friend during those decisive years .
11 And Cardiff coaching organiser Alex Evans knows his side must win if they are to justify their claims to the All-Whites ' throne .
12 Today the pensioners still do not know if they are to get any of their money but the lawyers and accountants sorting out Maxwell 's affairs have so far run up a bill in excess of £30 million .
13 The result was that yesterday they turned on us for information as to the number of men to be dropped , the weight of stores and the mileage and so on , all of which was essential for them to know if they were to fit out the aircraft properly .
14 What do we need to know if we are to teach Humanities to Johnny ?
15 Nevertheless , the gist of what we need to know if we are to understand Jesus ' words and actions will be evident .
16 Would you object if I were to buy any other land that might be on offer , and work it with the farm ? ’
17 Indeed , the local authority must be the key agency around which services are designed if we are to make the best use not only of social services but also of housing , education and leisure facilities .
18 Critical consents are those which it is essential for the purchaser to obtain if it is to conduct the business after completion .
19 But who 's to know and who 's to tell ?
20 Whether or not there 's an inquiry into the weekend disturbances , police say if they 're to avoid scenes like this , they need more support from the public and the courts .
21 Whether or not there 's an inquiry into the weekend disturbances , police say if they 're to avoid scenes like this , they need more support from the public and the courts .
22 ‘ Tax changes are going to have to be carefully considered if we are to continue on the path to recovery . ’
23 I 'll never know whether it was to sharpen their teeth or whether they liked the taste of lead .
24 She had been so pleased when Dr. Briant had suggested she lunch with him in the medical staff dining room , aching as she was to get away for a while at least from the uncomfortable atmosphere of the Maternity Ward .
25 So I , foolishly , welcomed the invention of the tough trail bike , designed as it is to handle exactly the kind of unmetalled forest trails and dirt tracks I had previously navigated on something the grocer 's boy in a Hovis advert would have ridden .
26 Despite its geographical inaccuracy the song , politically speaking , was right on target , designed as it was to show that the Duke of Aquitaine was building a castle right in the middle of the lands of the Count of Anjou .
27 I must stress that it 's to work with you , OK ?
28 While this may seem a consolidation of his European realm and role , Charles could not have foreseen that he was to strengthen the future power of the papacy far more than that of his own lineage .
29 On 29 April 1988 , when both the Kingman Report was published and the membership of my Working Group announced , the press presumed that I was to lead a Group which would make firm recommendations on grammar , in contrast to the equivocations of Kingman .
30 In all he found fifty-one trades which received girls as apprentices , many of which paid premiums comparable to those for boys , suggesting that they were to learn the craft .
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