Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [adj] [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 Well , one would never know and either way the effect was the same .
2 In both craft and continuous-flow production the worker has a sense of control over the work process , claims Blauner .
3 Mr Goeldner thinks that one day the summer revenue of Colorado 's ski towns will exceed the winter one .
4 Will he ensure that next week the Secretary of State for Scotland comes to the House and rejects the proposals out of hand ?
5 Chief Superintendent McLean says that last summer the resources he allocated to the protection of the Ks were greater than those given to anything , other than really serious crimes such as murder , in the two years he had been in charge of Hounslow division .
6 Will he confirm that last year the Scottish Office spent £2.6 million on advertising alone , which is 10 times the figure for 1979 ?
7 Although the Temple was destroyed two thousand years ago , Jews hope that one day the Messiah will come , the Temple will be rebuilt , and Jews will be spiritually pure again .
8 Buoyant GM bosses have revealed that increased productivity the result of massive transformations in working practices were the sole reason why the Ellesmere Port plant beat off the competition from 13 other GM sites across Europe to win the prestigious £190m engine facility .
9 The Intervention Board withdrew the facility with six weeks notice , because it maintained , it was uneconomical it noted that last year the average weekly throughput for steers was less than four animals a week .
10 Televisa administrators project that this year the organisation will become the fourth largest presence in Europe .
11 Later during the trip I noticed that one morning the smell had n't registered with me .
12 We might begin to think so if we reflected that in parlour games the rules never change , and then noticed that this year the most accomplished of our poets in their forties published , sixty years after Pound 's Lustra and Eliot 's Prufrock , an ambitious poem in the shape of fifteen interlinked pentameter sonnets .
13 It was neither pleasant nor unpleasant , though the endless peeing , he wrote , the endless getting up in the middle of the night when the ice clung to the windowpanes and the taps were frozen , that was more unpleasant than pleasant , but it was not that , he wrote , these things - will not change , my bladder will not improve and next winter the ice will still cling to the panes and the taps will still freeze , but I will not notice them .
14 If a creditor has levied and completed execution the debentureholders can not compel him to restore the money , nor , until the charge has crystallised , can he be restrained from levying execution .
15 This acquisition of competence can be seen as one way the worker defends himself against the control exercised over him by management .
16 ( Above the hill are two windmills , known as Jack and Jill , although built fifty years apart , one pre-dating and one post-dating the tunnel . )
17 Citalia prices itself on the unrivalled choice of accommodation it offers and this year the range is even further expanded with the addition of 60 new hotels .
18 Now 18 clear in the jockeys ' table , the Ulsterman has the Midas touch at present and he must be regretting that next week the seasonal festivities mean three days without racing .
19 Yet the downward trend has started ; and a Burmese economic expert reckons that last month the cost of living figure has fallen from 800% above pre-war level to 600% .
20 We all know that this year the Government had to raise £6.8 billion — £500 million more than that .
21 It may also be noted that last year the true blackthorn overlapped the Myrobalan in flowering season .
22 Whatever the legal rights and wrongs , so long as the Angevins actually held Gisors they were clearly negotiating from a position of strength and could reasonably hope that one day the King of France would be forced to concede their case .
23 Let us hope that one day the council will wake up and end all street trading .
24 Superman is I do n't know erm , well same difference any way , but you see this is it , he 's not , you know , in that story , in that , in , in , in , in that sort of nonsense thing , he is not the same character at both times , he has n't got , when he 's walking along the street as Clarke Kent he has n't got the ability to whoosh through the air as Superman he 's Clarke Kent , not so Jesus , he was n't Jesus divine one moment , Jesus human the other but they were perfectly married at all time from his , from the time he was , he 's conception took place , so he was n't one thing one moment , you know and one thing the next , but there it was a perfect marriage if you like , the two , I was gon na say becoming one so that they were invisible , you could n't say of that 's it that 's the human nature of Jesus , that 's his diviner it ju , because the two were perfectly married , they were fused together so they really they became one .
25 I think I 'm right in saying that this week the government announced that an extra one point six million pounds was being made available for yourselves and the English Tourist Board to , in an sense , overcome some of the projects , some of the problems that you 've been facing .
26 I firmly believe that one day the features built into the houses at West Moor will become standard in all new homes , ’ says Wimpey Homes technical manager , Ken Maynard .
27 I understand that this year the LBGC has started making decisions much more quickly .
28 For example , the probable universal existence of tag-questions ( under a functional definition ) can perhaps be related to the universal operation of rules of turn-taking that allow as one option the ending of current speaker 's turn by a selection of a next speaker .
29 The Shah told " Moustachio " that he had avoided a bloodbath and he hoped that this would mean that one day the monarchy could again play a part in Iranian life .
30 Levy ( 1989 ) and Flesaker ( 1991 ) have shown that assuming the changes in the riskless interest rate are known ( and that contracts are divisible ; Polakoff , 1991 ) , is equivalent to assuming that each day the traders know the next day 's risk-free interest rate with certainty .
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