Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [adj] [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 So whether it means add or take away or subtract or negative we can sort of forget about it and just look at the signs so if get if we get take away plus three , that will be the same as take away plus three , yeah ?
2 The [ draft ] FRS therefore requires that the facilities must be committed and that there must be no reasons expected or likely which would either permit the lender to avoid his obligation to provide new borrowings or prevent him from providing them .
3 These researchers suggest that IRF-1 itself could be the target gene in 5q deletions and cite two further observations as indirect support for this concept .
4 Back in 1646 , one of the few articulate defenders of such deluded people maintained that those who would undertake drainage ‘ have always vilified the Fens , and have misinformed many Parliament men , that all the Fens is a mere quagmire … of little or no value : but those which live in the Fens , and are neighbours to it , know the contrary . ’
5 Most of the people responsible for Labour 's policies acknowledge that those which may have been relevant in the 1980s were disastrous and should be consigned to the rubbish heap .
6 If it looks that dangerous it may be safe .
7 Cheeks smeared by tears and mascara , she was helping him to stand and all he could think was How can she still have mascara after where she 's been ?
8 Almost immediately the safety glass shattered and all they could see were white chips .
9 How do you know but that you may be the next child that may die ? …
10 So I do n't know whether this one will have pips in it , so be careful .
11 And you 've proven that that you can do that .
12 If it is injured or sick it may sit quietly in an unusually visible position during daylight hours .
13 Most of the child 's talk about himself , his toys , the things that he has seen or those he can do , arises spontaneously from his play .
14 So do n't feel that that you should wait until the end although we do leave a a little bit at the end just for questions and you may have noticed that there 's either a tea break or a meal break after each talk .
15 Too many students imagine that all they need do is to note down and read over the contents of lectures , and then to have a quick revision before the examination .
16 In any event the ‘ Far East ’ solution depended , with rather specious simplicity , on the ability to separate communist sheep from nationalist goats and even though the distinction was recognized as the sine qua non of a solution , it assumed that those who would not support genuine independence , once it was granted by the French , would identify themselves as communists : and would thereby distinguish themselves from the rest of the ‘ nationalist elements ’ who comprised the major part of the resistance forces .
17 She writes the words : arresting images ( lives that go in circles ‘ like a pigeon on a tyre ’ ) , moments of disturbing lucidity amid inscrutable dream-imagery ( ‘ give me what I want/ And all I can think about is losing it ’ ; ‘ why ca n't you do to my insights/What you do to my insides ? ’ ;
18 It is quite possible that the extent of unmet legal need can never be ascertained and that which can be ascertained can not adequately be explained .
19 Only a Government as dogmatically fixated as this one would believe that all one needs to do is introduce a market or privatise sections of service and all will be well .
20 The early retirers in the After Redundancy study were split evenly between those who wanted to retire and those who would have preferred to work on .
21 If it had been grey and raining and chilly he might have taken one look at Wyvis Hall and turned tail and fled to Crete or Delos or somewhere .
22 I had thought that all anyone could do along was sing .
23 This is that , in my view , if a decision-making body is to exercise powers such as those of serving an intervention notice without giving anybody the opportunity to make representations beforehand , its procedures should provide that those who might otherwise expect to have been allowed to make representations should at least be allowed to make immediate application to set the decision aside and to appeal against it .
24 Later authors , Hemming on the bishopric of Worcester , Hugh Candidus on Peterborough , and William of Malmesbury on Glastonbury and Malmesbury , record that those who could not pay their taxes under Cnut were likely to suffer temporary or permanent losses of estates .
25 carry on going and that one would go up behind it .
26 Because of the early efforts to contain and isolate mentally handicapped people and because of the lack of distinction between the mentally handicapped and those who may be mentally ill , possibly dangerously so , considerable fears have spread through society about people who live in asylums and ‘ loony bins ’ .
27 One day , perhaps , consciousness will have shifted and generic she will lose its shock value .
28 She brought her husband to help but all he could offer was a shrug which was no comfort at all .
29 When one tries , one invariably finds an activity that one 's definition includes but that one would not want to count as a game , or an activity that the definition excludes but that one would want to count as a game .
30 ‘ Oh yes , made up a story like that that she 'd have known her gran would see through …
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