Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [verb] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 IF HISTORY is anything to go by , the legal action being brought in Britain by 3,000 patients against Wyeth ( a subsidiary of American Home Products ) and Switzerland 's Hoffmann-La Roche will either be dismissed or settled out of court for a pittance .
2 All goods supplied by the Seller shall be in accordance with ( i ) the current edition of the relevant Product Description Leaflet as published from time to time by the Seller ( copies of which are available from the Seller upon request ) and ( ii ) those further specifications or descriptions ( if any ) expressly listed or set out on the face of the Order .
3 The court may order the whole or part of any pleading to be amended or struck out on the ground that ( a ) it discloses no reasonable cause of action or defence , or ( b ) it is scandalous , frivolous or vexatious , or ( c ) it may prejudice , embarrass or delay the fair trial , or ( d ) it is otherwise an abuse of the process of the court .
4 And by last night , with the pound still falling below its permitted floor within the ERM , Mr Lamont was faced with two options — devalue or get out of Euro system .
5 Sometimes too , I could hear the distant sounds of other women , coughing or calling out to one another , laughing .
6 Firstly , a hemisphere difference in the rate at which information is encoded and/or read out from some sensory representation of the stimulus should be revealed by a differential effect of masking in left and right visual fields since the presumed effect of the mask is to prevent any further processing .
7 For him the laws of settlement hardly prevented the " idle poor " from wandering and a stricter enforcement of vagrancy laws would " compel the poor to starve or beg at home ; for there it will be impossible for them to steal or rob without being presently hanged or transported out of the way " .
8 Okay then , which observer wants to observe or come out with
9 To some degree , the racial abuse and violence in schools mirrors that meted out to black minorities in British cities more generally ( the anti-semitic parallels must again be recalled ) .
10 There were heaps of clothing on the floor , roughly sorted and laid out on newspaper .
11 Miss Fogerty assured her that nothing would be disclosed and slipped out of the side door .
12 This issue of Action newsletter is the first to be typeset , designed and laid out on desktop publishing ( DTP ) equipment which has recently been installed at WACC 's offices in London .
13 Questionnaires and check sheets were designed and sent out to internal users of the system , clients and other Wood Group sites .
14 Through benefit inquiry line and forms designed and checked out with disability and welfare rights groups , people are given the opportunity to claim benefits to which they are entitled .
15 BILLY BRAGG , who has also offered his support to the MAS campaign , gave this response : ‘ This is typical of the BBC to try and wriggle out of it .
16 No plans to try and wriggle out of your contract ? ’
17 I think , you know , you say you 've got a month , I think you 're gon na need also to try and find out from your membership as to whether in fact they 're prepared to turn up on a Saturday as well .
18 Whenever I turn to try and get out of the cage , someone is offended or upset , says I 'm defying them or humiliating them .
19 Well what most airlines have done has been to try and trim back their scale of operations , but what Virgin are doing is using Richard Branson 's personal money to try and expand out of trouble .
20 My favourite of them is the Power Toolbox , a way of taking program launching and switching out of the Program Manager altogether and putting your own buttons on the desktop .
21 My father rushed to the window , looked out and down into the garden , then shouted and ran out of the room , leaving Mrs Clamp goggle-eyed , alone .
22 Senga shouted and dashed out into the hall , almost colliding with Gerard , the butler " That 's Patrick , " she said quickly , " he said he would be back in time for lunch . "
23 At a point with ‘ Arc ’ I said ‘ OK , we 're off and we 're flying , this is distorted and grunged out to the max ’ .
24 He drew and sighted out through the window .
25 Senior backbencher Sir Marcus Fox said : ‘ There is a feeling he has been hounded and forced out of office . ’
26 The ‘ traditional ’ settlement pattern in the area is varied and developed out of topographical constraint , patterns of land tenure and the exigencies of agriculture .
27 The slaves rose and backed out of the chamber , their eyes cast down .
28 Attacked and driven out by men , Giant Wolves have allied with Goblin tribes .
29 They 're allowed to do what they want and find out for themselves .
30 Or she could kneel and look out of the window , or do some physical jerks .
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