Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [verb] and [adv] " in BNC.

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1 first of all if there 's a reference , no question of validity arises , what would happen is proceedings are stayed , subject to turns that your Lordship may direct or order and then
2 When he did , he saw rows upon rows of dismal huts ; and then a little further , gangs of men walking , walking and falling and still walking .
3 I washed them trainers our Johnny given me and I cleaned them for him to try and save and then them black shoes for school to save his boots for the
4 The rain bounced and splattered and visibly stung him with its force .
5 Henry sent a message to his eldest son to come and help and then he joined Richard in the business of subduing the Limousin .
6 and with us oh God and according to you we are to one church a church which opens doors and large windows a church which takes the world seriously ready to work and to suffer and even to for it and we follow and witness to him who is the saviour of the world Jesus Christ our Lord amen .
7 Sisters and brothers let's continue to work and campaign and together to create a Europe with a future , rather than one locked in the past .
8 All the time I was convulsed by sickness in the dark lavatory someone kept knocking and hammering and ultimately even kicking on the front door of this flat .
9 You effectively repeat what they have said , agreeing with them , and then tell them what you want and expect and why .
10 Him , it , this , this : this is the body he primes and mortifies and shrewdly inspects in all the rippling funhouse mirrors of Portugal .
11 Then , suddenly , he stopped and turned and almost ran outside into the corridor again .
12 And so what he 's trying to do is to as Andrea says erm uncover the truth , get to the , get to what really happened as it were , under the layers of myth and distortion could have been introduced in the Bible story , and as I said if you read the book erm and it is quite fascinating in many ways , it is a bit like a detective story because what Freud does is he tries to get to the truth by analyzing the , the actual texts and the texts contains discrepancies and anybody who 's ever tried to erm edit a book , learns this to their cost actually , but er you find no matter how carefully you change things , there 's usually things you miss , little discrepancies that give away how it was the first time and er Freud 's view is this , this has happened very much to the Bible , it 's been so heavily edited and re-written and later the the various editings show and if you read it very critically , you can begin to see perhaps the underlying pattern er coming through and erm just as you can tell for instance by reading Genesis , that it 's a of two accounts because there are two stories , the first story is Chapter One of Genesis , then in Chapter Three or something there 's a second story repeats it with variations .
13 Above Dorothea 's head , six new , blue mugs hung on six newly-erected hooks , for Florence Ames thought of all things and was constantly suggesting improvements — not that she insisted upon them or took anything in hand , only looked and suggested and then left the idea to be considered , accepted or rejected .
14 Somehow , the aircraft had not been adequately lashed down on the low loader and as the lorry moved forward the Firefly rolled off its trestles on to the bed of the lorry damaging the undersides of the aircraft in the process , the aircraft was then reloaded and secured and thankfully the reset of the trip to Duxford was uneventful .
15 When I left school , which was in nineteen thirty , it was a bad time for employment , there was a lot of unemploy unemployed people and I tried and tried and eventually I was offered a job at the Bloxwich Lock and Stamping Company in Bell Lane Alexander works , it was er er Squires 's were , er it 's a family er er concern , and erm it was the first offer I 'd had for employment so I took it .
16 And since absolute holism can be used , in Althusser 's view , to explain a wide range of phenomena — to explain how societies are organised and maintained and how they change — his theory provides an opportunity to assess both the character of his approach and its scope .
17 They were classic newly-weds , unable to take their eyes or their hands off each other , laughing and joking and clearly very happy .
18 They walked slowly along one wall , laughing and talking and only incidentally looking at the eccentric pictures .
19 Fox admitted driving with excess alcohol on his breath — he was 19 microgrammes over the limit — driving while disqualified and not being covered by insurance last November .
20 But fundamentally what succeeds is what keeps people listening or watching and so forth , and I 'm suggesting that that 's something to do , it , it 's something to do with being interesting and relevant and catching the imagination of that particular audience group .
21 Bronze and silver items were manufactured or acquired and eventually buried , along with considerable quantities of other material , as grave-goods in the community 's cemetery ( Figure 2. 1 ) .
22 In Chapter 3 we spoke of the importance of being able to signal , and of the influence of early experiences in acquiring confidence that signals will be seen or heard and then responded to .
23 Deregulation — cutting red tape , in Mr Major 's preferred phrase — is easier said than done and far from politically sexy : much has been cut already and Brussels weaves new rules by the week .
24 Each victim has to be tracked and killed and yet it provides only a small meal .
25 The memory of that puzzling experience still disturbed and excite And then there were her bare feet in the stream and the tadpoles round her ankles , the cherry blossoms which she had thrown in his face , and above all the walk upon the airfield : there was magic there all right .
26 then going over this sea blue and I was , so beautiful , you know Catholic used to say , when you di died in paradise , always want to go up the somewhere else paradise and it 's in here and look what happened they ruin and ruin and ruin and so be
27 However , Christmas 1992 came and went and still had n't claimed his proxy visit — so we decided to act on 's behalf .
28 The ability to do that — to create and articulate and constantly reinforce an awareness of the values that drive the learning process and bond together the learning community — is the ability to turn a curriculum into education .
29 All the training data have to be collected and paired and then sorted before the main clustering stage can begin .
30 While the Environment Protection Act will go some way to addressing the situation it does not seem to take into account those owners who will not care if their dog is impounded and destroyed and certainly will not pay to save it .
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