Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [verb] [pron] about " in BNC.

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1 But when he had had the effrontery to go whining to the constable , attempting to get back the money for which he had , after all , sold his twisted little soul , no one in St Jude 's Street could remember seeing or hearing anything about the accident at all .
2 In the end I decided to try and do something about it .
3 Once he was on the mend , we decided to try and do something about his crooked leg .
4 We ca n't just ignore it erm it is proper planning to try and do something about it .
5 That could , that needs to be maintained , it could also be extended , though of course they have great difficulties because of er their , their own financial restrictions , but we also , I think as a community , need to think about who these homeless people are , and , and not to regard them as some kind of alien population , but to realise that there are , they are our own neighbours , they are our own families that are in this predicament , and that collectively we need to join together and actually make demands on central government and locally to try and do something about it .
6 Are you going to come and do something about it or not ? ’
7 I mean you 'll have to come and see me about that because it 's fairly confidential so but they are very very good .
8 But that 's really what I want to come and see you about
9 From such an analysis we can pick out causes and action points : we are then in a better position to understand what is happening and to do something about it .
10 Naturally I welcome the fact that the reforms are revealing the extent of NHS underfunding , but this will only be of benefit if you acknowledge what is happening and do something about it .
11 In response to Mr Fothergill 's letter concerning Carlton amps , we enjoy being in the music business , and to us that means listening to what guitarists want and doing something about it .
12 She phoned and told me about your visit this afternoon ; however , I shall reserve the right to be sceptical a while longer .
13 Emily ? … laughing and teasing him about deserving a white feather … ?
14 Consider an unemployed individual who desires to work but knows nothing about job vacancies and is thus ‘ searching ’ for a suitable job in a segment of the labour market .
15 There again , I do n't know whether to confront her about it , write her a letter or what .
16 She loosened up after she 'd had a bit to drink and told me about it .
17 And the police came and interviewed me about it .
18 And oh probably after this meeting , not now , apparently Peter came and see me about samples procedure , I E marketing .
19 I can not believe the amount of injury time actually , you see if I put a record on at half past eight they 'll have finished bang on half past eight but er the fact that I carry on rabbiting and telling you about the quiz competition three or four times er they decide to play plenty of injury time .
20 The air in the passage stirred and folded itself about her .
21 Crilly wakes and tells me about when he was little and slept in the same room as his father , while his sisters slept with his mother .
22 She was a wreck and had planned to go and do something about it once dinner had been prepared , but now that would have to go by the board — there would be no time — and , besides , she could hardly appear to Luke 's business partner and his wife in one of Luke 's towelling robes , could she ?
23 No one asked that question , they simply focused upon er the , the communist insurrection in the south and the American , American commitment to the global containment of communism meant that they had to go and do something about it and domestic political pressures were there too er President Kennedy came out of the Cuban missiles crisis a hero because his people mistakenly believed that he 'd won a foreign policy success and that he 'd acted in a restrained and statesmanlike manor .
24 And it 's no good moaning , so has to go and do something about it ,
25 These people may need to get married — trapped — to prove that they can get out , that divorce is not impossible , to discover that they can influence and do something about the situation .
26 Ward had not lied or misled anyone about the nature of the payment or tried to conceal the money he had received .
27 I mean , I have done a lot about it , and I 'm the only one that has , as I say , got my mouth going and done something about it .
28 If someone very close ( a member of your family , for instance ) were to come into the room while you were in that state , you would be aware of it but you probably would not move or do anything about it because it felt ‘ right ’ .
29 ‘ He 's always keeping his eyes on what the kids are wearing and nudging us about what we see out there , what we hear them asking for , ’ says Caroline Freeman , an Armanishly elegant stick insect who works on his British team .
30 And to cover up the dreadfulness of the moment , the pain of the knowledge that Rachel had become old , alone , and friendless , she had giggled and said something about having lost her key .
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