Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] this is [adv] " in BNC.

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1 A case in point is the lingering issue of a consistent user interface — Sippl 's advice to all of those that continue to nitpick over this is radically simple : ‘ throw it all out , ’ he counsels , ‘ and go to the Macintosh . ’
2 For words that inflect irregularly this is not the case .
3 Right so the more you can spot the tie up and say well this is n't something I 'm going to take this off .
4 feel as if they 're being extorted and they will look to them and say well this is obviously the , the case whether this particular guy who is , who is our erm leader is , is erm
5 ‘ One wonders why this is so .
6 I , I do n't know why this is n't set up , you will receive these things .
7 If Councillor had actually stayed , he would know why this is so important to the people of whom I may say he has cruelly deserted by walking out of the debating chamber and what he 's saying to the people of is that Liberal Councillors A wo n't prepare speeches like his colleague earlier on or they wo n't stay in the debate they are not going to be properly represented when we take important decisions , both nationally and locally .
8 RICHARD ROGERS Ca n't Stop Loving You ( BCM ) ‘ Written and produced by Marshall Jefferson ’ says the sticker on the US version , explaining why this is already doing business on import .
9 Difficult to pick up this is n't it ?
10 Sometimes you have the same person and you have lots of different scores for them and you see whether they 're correlated but most o more often than not what we 're talking about is a number of people and to see whether the pairs of scores in some way are related Now this is probably a bit more important .
11 the trouble is though when you have these meetings you go and people say well I do n't agree with this and I do n't agree with that and somebody says well this is n't the matter for the P T A this is a matter for the governors and then when you try and , like Gary I 'll go and approach with the governors , surely this is n't a matter for the governors , this really ought to be , you know , the ,
12 That is to say , if creativity and psychosis are found to be connected then this is more likely to be revealed , not as a function of the psychotic state itself , but in more subtle ways — for example , through certain modes or forms of thinking and perception which the tendencies to psychosis and creativity might prove to have in common .
13 A quick look at the architecture of the first PowerParallel machine ( called SP1 by IBM ) show why this is relatively easy .
14 It is important that you should understand why this is so .
15 Those of you who have digested the argument of my last chapter will see why this is quite the reverse of what is really the case .
16 evidence , er I would however like to point out this is n't included into the report , but much of these have these days that incidence of complaints received er by organization such as ours from the general public and I 'm happy to report this indeed can be verified factually that the incidence of complaint against the highway service has dropped off enormously in the last two or three years , certainly within the last two years when we concentrated so much of our time and effort and improved in the quality and immediacy of the service of practice , er the level of complaints these days , and these are general complaints , not
17 Good , good getting hard this is n't it when you 've been having a holiday and you thought you were gon na have a nice play and we 're doing all this hard work .
18 What is unique about capitalism is that exploitation and surplus labour can exist even within a system of free labour markets , so creating the illusion that the worker is also free ; but as Marx points out this is not the case .
19 But as Nicholas Bosanquet ( 1975 , 1978 ) points out this is partly because younger people are now dependent , ill and hospitalized much less than in the past .
20 In fact , if one believes that policies are wrong or ineffective it is important to understand why this is so , particularly if one 's objective is to change them .
21 To understand why this is so we need to look more closely at the ways in which they have been used .
22 To understand why this is so let us recapitulate for a moment .
23 To understand why this is so we need to return to the polytrauma theory outlined earlier and see what its significance is for the development of the modern individual .
24 The Court assumed the Organisation 's power to be delimited by the Charter without examining why this is so .
25 To the extent that they are thus led to perform well this is obviously desirable ; the problem is that , in attempting to avoid noticeable mistakes , they ignore the costs that must be borne by the public .
26 See he get 's a day and a half off , I mean it 's like we , I mean well this is why Dave said , he said do you fancy he said
27 I found that love went out the window when it was sweaty socks and handkerchiefs and dirty nappies and all this in front of me and I thought well this is not romance this is bloody hard work .
28 What he did he saw he saw the method and saw well this is quite neat .
29 For example , in messages like : Your coat 's on fire The wing 's breaking up The radio 's gone wrong Your uncle 's died probably the majority of English speakers would place the tonic stress on the subject noun , though it is difficult to see how this is more important than the last lexical word in each of the sentences .
30 However , once an apprentice or assistant is taken on this is no longer true .
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