Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] that they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In chapter 8 , rules were formulated which dictated which way to run the proportions when dealing with the hypothesized effect of one variable upon another : proportions were calculated so that they summed to 1 within the categories of the explanatory variable .
2 The second premise is a description of the experimental set-up , including the statement , ‘ This sample of bats is blindfolded so that they do not have the use of their eyes ’ .
3 As long ago as 1970 , the Coldstream-Summerson Report reflected the growing concern about vocational courses and suggested they be recognized so that they became design ‘ technician ’ courses along the lines of the definition laid down in the 1969 Haslegrave Report .
4 The Seven Points to Remember were revised so that they mentioned the four types of diarrhoea ( previously described ) and stated that all four types should be treated with LGS .
5 Demolition charges had also been carefully set on machinery in the fish meal and other factories ; these small charges of gun cotton being placed so that they destroyed equipment without the risk of causing needless casualties .
6 We had owned the Sumatras for just a few months , but already we had seen that they are volatile and eccentric birds , much given to sudden screech-ups and bouts of cackling , which in other chickens would denote the arrival of an egg , but from them seem to signify only that they have given themselves a fright .
7 Double and triple installations can be arranged so that they use a constant flow of water , which is introduced into the rinse sink , overflowing by weirs wash sinks , to discharge continuously via an overflow pipe fixed in the wash sink .
8 Cut a tongue in each of the faces to be joined so that they interlock neatly , bind the joint with raffia and cover with grafting wax or bituminous tree paint .
9 I am sure that hon. Members have talked to constituents , many of them young women with children , who say bitterly that they feel trapped in their environment and dare not go out at night , even to have a cup of tea with a friend .
10 Do they not let the stable lads know so that they do n't have an advantage over picking a winner ?
11 If it is unnecessarily bureaucratic the engineer should seek to have the systems modified so that they contribute more cost effectively to improved quality .
12 Meals also have to be modified so that they do not produce a rhythmic input to the body .
13 Slightly larger objects , however different and unrelated , should be grouped so that they have something in common like colour or national origin .
14 Well it may be that they do n't know how to , or that they set out such patterns of relating together that they have n't got the means of coping with it .
15 It stopped so that they did n't miss the conversation .
16 Right , well I I part of me says , the the there are two aspects , the other side of the coin a little bit , if we talk about recording achievement and not recording failure , we here have an opportunity to point out to youngsters , encourage youngsters in that they are all capable of achieving in some way and to get them to write down that they have achieved , that 's the other side of the coin .
17 Jobs which do not fulfil this purpose must be reorganised so that they do .
18 erm that then do n't come on either , but when it clicks like that they flash together and they both light up , and then when you start it up they go up and then they come back on again
19 You may lose some credibility with the clientele if you demolish him or her with a blitzkrieg attack only to find later that they had been looking for the nearest toilet !
20 But now the ring leader Smyth Harper , 16 , has owned up that they invented the story for a laugh .
21 Wonder wh well what 's that , you know , be a bang so close well it was n't till , till some time after we found out that they 'd stationed a naval gun somewhere Newtown way and they 'd f fired this gun to , as a practice .
22 And then we found out that they 'd actually caught you .
23 We found out that they thought he was the captain giving out safety instructions because we were about to sink .
24 Senior union leaders acknowledge privately that they have to win a hearts-and-minds campaign among their members .
25 The office that led off it was larger , with two desks positioned so that they faced each other .
26 Ralph says basically that they do n't exist , so how could there be one and Simon 's view is that he would know if there was a beast and that they 're just really frightened of each other .
27 In time , plants were domesticated and selected so that they differ greatly from their wild ancestors , some so much so that their ancestors can not now be recognized .
28 The chemicals have to be carefully selected so that they affect only the tin oxide and nothing else .
29 It was only when Keith drove off that they realised to their horror where mischievous Tasha had got to .
30 We learnt later that they had also advised her neighbours to take out a summons against her for noise nuisance .
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