Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] for [det] year " in BNC.

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1 The precise circumstances of the birth of the Universe , perhaps some 15 billion years ago , are still a mystery — and are likely to remain so for many years .
2 With their creation , the institutional pattern is settled and seems likely to remain so for some years to come .
3 Mothers and calves may remain together for many years , from 3–6 or even 8 years .
4 The work continued under another architect , but the death of Marino , combined with the vast expense of the building together with the losses his surviving family also suffered at the hands of the new Spanish governors , meant that work stopped altogether for many years .
5 If Attlee had carried on for another year , and the economy had turned round , Labour might still be in power .
6 Three operations did not succeed in curing his glaucoma , and he had to give up his business in 1878 , although it was carried on for some years by his daughters , Eleanor , Elizabeth , and Catherine , as E. E. Dancer & Company .
7 A media education programme therefore presupposes that a group of people will continue to work together for several years .
8 In 1991 the previous year 's ceiling of 23.65 million b/d was rolled over for another year , but no country quotas were set .
9 Since then , various voluntary groups throughout the campus , the UK and abroad have come forward with names and addresses of active alumni , some of whom have been networking enthusiastically for many years outwith the official organisation of either the Graduates Association of the University .
10 Their lands , which had been seized by the crown in 1308 , by papal decree should have been transferred in 1312 to the Order of the Hospitallers , but in England this transfer was not carried out for some years , during which the king continued to profit from the estates .
11 ‘ We talked of the extraordinary fact of Lady Grange 's being sent to St Kilda , and confined there for several years , without any means of relief . ’
12 Nor do they know why for many years , almost to this day , footprints were to be found in a field near to the earthworks of the castle where a famous duel was said to have been fought between two brothers during the Civil War and where no seed would grow .
13 Dry off gladioli corms in trays , then remove very small cormlets that have developed around the base — these will eventually flower , but only when grown on for several years .
14 Those that you think are worth persevering with can be grown on for another year , getting a second chance to bloom .
15 The controversy smouldered on for several years fuelled by the entrenched views of some of the judges .
16 Strange as it seems , I believe that she had not done so for many years .
17 The Landscape Institute publishes no percentage fee scale , and has not done so for many years .
18 The trustees in acting prudently on investments need to take advice , and , and we have done so for many years , and our investment advisors are currently Schroder Investment Management Limited .
19 Someone must be doing their housekeeping rather better at those hospitals , especially when one thinks of the help the Memorial Hospital gets from the WRVS and the Friends of the Hospital who raise a good deal of money and have done so for many years .
20 They 'd been living together for many years .
21 It is not my intention to discuss medical politics , but as it turned out this was not an unhappy solution , notwithstanding that it married two firmly conflicting beliefs which have continued to operate , sometimes rather awkwardly , side by side , and may do so for many years .
22 Claims for damages against British accountancy firms have proliferated since the 1970s , when the aggressively litigious environment that US accountants had operated in for many years spread to the UK .
23 John also described an incident when he was about ten or eleven which seems to have had a traumatic effect on him , the horror of which , bottled up for many years , can be felt in ballets which he made long afterwards .
24 Oh the idea of saving now for this year 's Christmas present , there 's one small snag , it will cost around £60,000 .
25 However , the cows are hardy sucklers and economic feeders ; they breed regularly for many years on extensive systems and are said to ‘ age gracefully ’ .
26 Although this written account is extremely tenuous , patient archaeological excavations that have been going on for many years on Santorin are beginning to reveal a story to rival that of Pompeii .
27 These claims were never universally accepted ; the destruction of the unity of Christendom by the Reformation helped to undermine the authority of the Pope to allocate territory , but it was Catholic France that first challenged Spain 's position in the West Indies and that conflict had been going on for some years when in 1559 , at the end of one round of European wars , France and Spain included in the peace treaty a clause which stated that fighting in regions west of the Azores or south of the Tropic of Cancer was not to be taken as a reason for resuming hostilities in Europe .
28 ‘ My father-in-law was well aware of all this ; it has been going on for some years but he would not do what was necessary to right the situation , that is cut out the loss makers and , perhaps , substitute other lines — stationery , office equipment , videos or any other line compatible with the book trade . ’
29 But they appeared to vanish altogether for several years to return mysteriously to look , to whistle and back chat .
30 Later my surgeon was to tell me that the cancer had been growing away for many years .
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