Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] just [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 They 're reduced to five thousand with short commons and sickness , and the extra irony is that a cargo ship diverted from Chios got in just before the port closed .
2 So specifiers will need to know not just that a tile meets EC requirements , but — crucially in northern Europe — in what way it meets those requirements .
3 His godson , Harry Hubbard , is a young Agency aspirant who joins up just as the Cold War is getting hot .
4 Unnecessary procedures must never be carried out just because a learner needs the practice .
5 The book 's intended not just as a guide for visitors , but as a chance for locals to get a fresh look at familiar sights .
6 The use of particular terms in thesis titles proclaims not just that the author is a member of a particular sub-discipline group , but that he or she is a member at a particular time , characterised by terms rooted in the paradigms then current ( Dott ) .
7 The school ‘ plant ’ began to be seen not just as a resource which could be used for adult education or the occasional PTA dance and parents ' meeting .
8 The fundamental question , as posed by Foucault , is how is it that in our society sex is seen not just as a means of biological reproduction nor a source of harmless pleasure , but , on the contrary , has come to be seen as the central part of our being , the privileged site in which the truth of ourselves is to be found ?
9 I came out just before the baby was born .
10 Britain 's manufacturing base is declining not just because the Conservative party seems to care so little about it but because of so many companies ' wilful refusal to respond to changing market signals .
11 But this is a case where long imprisonment is needed not just as a punishment , but to protect society .
12 I refer to the way in which higher education , as an institution within society , acts not just as a vehicle for economic reproduction within the social classes , but also as a means of ‘ cultural reproduction ’ .
13 When the main party flew out yesterday it was joined by girlfriends and trip sponsors who will accompany the climbers on a ‘ support ’ trek before turning back just before the serious work begins .
14 The point on which Gandhi pressed hardest , and on which the talks nearly foundered , was that of an inquiry into the conduct of the police , which he had requested publicly just before the talks began .
15 And sometimes they decide to do so just because the alternatives seem so appalling .
16 This stage is reached not just as a result of the increasing complexity of the productive technology , in this case the development of agriculture , but because agriculture implies a growth in population density , an intensification of social intercourse , and an increased division of labour .
17 I can not understand why riders are holding back just when the sport needs them most .
18 Gianni and Ursula leapt on just as the doors were closing , but Monique , who was now a few yards behind them and whose movements were hampered anyway by her arthritis , was left standing there as the train moved out .
19 He carries the burden of having been sworn in just before the US operations began , and he remains in hiding under the protection of the United States .
20 The sexy singer believes she will be remembered not just as a pop queen but as a goddess figure — ‘ like Boadicea ’ .
21 It will be argued here that the above-noted tendency of the infinitival construction to imply greater subjectivity and possibility of doubt indicates that know is being evoked not just as the state of " being aware of a fact " in these uses but also as the condition for being able to attribute to the direct object of know the event denoted by the infinitive .
22 If animals ca n't adapt to change then they will die out just as the dinosaurs did .
23 The girl 's body had been laid out just as the others , and it had been the work of a moment to discover the tiny stab wound under the soft left breast .
24 What we have to see is that Christ died not just as a self sacrifice not just because of injustice but he died as the atonement , to pay the price , for our sin .
25 As he stood up , Yanto arrived and threw his bike into a beautifully controlled side skid , jumping off just as the bike crashed to the ground .
26 Still , even when I was young ’ — she was talking as if to herself now-'I could see no reason to stay up just because a date was changing , starting all over again , one , two , three , four , five .
27 As Diana Gilbert , Ricoh 's product manager for Group 4 fax wryly observes : ‘ You ca n't expect the world to change overnight just because the technology is perfect ’ .
28 So when the cry is heard again just before the curtain falls it comes as a final appeal for help .
29 David Noble ( 1977 ) takes this argument a stage further and argues not just that the use , but also the design , of the CNC machine tool has been influenced by these management control considerations .
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