Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] much [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 All too often , shrubs , including roses , conifers and the like , are planted not for their intrinsic beauty , not for an attractive combination of colour , but because they do not need so much looking after as plants that have to be lifted before the frost , and replanted fresh each year' .
2 The three found so much to talk about that they did not think of tea till nearly five o'clock .
3 With old people , the physical condition has so much bearing on the mental state .
4 Extensive use is made here in this chapter of his posthumously published work ( Bulmer , 1986 ) because it has so much to say of immediate and striking significance to our theme .
5 It is an opportunity given to few to lead in the creation of a new Department of State , especially one which has so much to contribute to your own vision of improving the quality of life in this country .
6 But I came to terms with all that because the house has so much going for it in other ways .
7 I welcome the fact that the hon. Gentleman has brought to the attention of the House and of the world outside the fact that Northern Ireland has so much to offer as an area for investment , both from the rest of the United Kingdom and from beyond .
8 On all sides the air is filled with music and a mixture of languages as young people from all over Europe get together to enjoy the pleasures of this picturesque resort that has so much to offer in such a small space — last year we counted over 15 different hostelries , none more than five minutes walk from each other !
9 ‘ And drama has so much to offer in terms of equipping a child for life after school .
10 I really can not come to terms with the fact that I am … there 's lots of interesting work to do — there was in the job I did — and I want so much to identify with that rather than just sit back here and say ‘ I 'm a housewife and I 'm happy ’ … because I could n't be .
11 Dot knew that she had everything she used so much to long for .
12 ‘ Anyway , that photograph has as much bearing on our present difficulties as the Tyrrell Society .
13 The decline of countries has as much to do with the loss of vision as any other factor .
14 All report a passionate directness of response that they attribute to the setting and the pathology of the patients , but which probably has as much to do with social class .
15 This has as much to do with the aural texture of guitar-based rock as with funk or soul , and their records often fail to gain airplay on rap specialist radio shows .
16 That Miro is not as well known as his contemporaries Picasso and Dali has as much to do with personality as with art .
17 Capital flight has as much to do with political structures as with a loss of confidence .
18 The vehement anti-US feeling in Nicaragua ( so often cited as the latest Communist ‘ gain ’ in Latin America ) has as much to do with the history of US involvement in the country ( not to mention its current support for counter-revolutionary activity ) as it does with any Marxist ‘ indoctrination ’ .
19 The naming of tunes in Gaelic dancing has as much to do with the whim of the moment as with anything portentous : ‘ Upstairs in a Tent ’ , or ‘ The Clock on the Dresser ’ , or ‘ The Walls of Limerick , owe more to whimsy in the kitchen on the night than to any attempt by the musician to give his tune immortality .
20 This is a salutary reminder of the powerful implications of teacher enthusiasm : no doubt at least part of the popularity of any text has as much to do with the way it is taught , as with characteristics embodied in the text itself .
21 Sometimes the resistance of an anorexic patient to regaining weight has as much to do with the mother 's overinvolvement in the patient 's life as her own unwillingness to change .
22 At £13,000 plus options ( like the CD ) , this is , short of the cabrio , the Escort/Orion flagship — thank heavens it has as much going for it as it does .
23 It is the older wife in a divorce case , who has no recent contact with the labour market or a poor earning capacity , who has sometimes much to lose through the ending of her marriage .
24 Recent decisions as to whether to grant leave to go to judicial review , and High Court determinations , suggest that much hinges on the court 's interpretation of statutory duties and points of law .
25 Erm , the Audit Commission has very much picked on the point that they see a key area of community care success , is in avoiding deadlocking , having adequate discharge arrangements , having agreements with health authorities , and meeting those agreements .
26 After she and John had done so much to guard against the enemy without , the fatal wound was to come from the friend within .
27 Luke Rittner , secretary general of the Arts Council , said inflation had outstripped grant aid by 6 per cent , and ‘ a failure by government to recognise this situation will be a cruel slap in the face to an arts world that has done so much to adapt to the market economy of the 1980s ’ .
28 Thank you for looking after on those really black days when even he seemed too much to cope with .
29 But the effort to combat her own sensual response seemed too much to cope with — slipping away far beyond her reach .
30 Yet it involved a principle which many could not accept : regardless of the sacrifices demanded of the rest of the community , it seemed too much to ask of the poorest of the poor .
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