Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] by [noun sg] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Additionally , carried away by enthusiasm that ought not to affect the judgement of experienced lawyers , they advised him , or agreed on his urging ( I do not know which ) , that he should issue writs for libel , which he did , with the disastrous effect that he actually accepted some damages from one publication before he was compelled to reveal the falsity of his assertions .
2 Demonstrations by members of the majority ethnic-Albanian population appeared to have been sparked off by concern that , given the position taken by the Serbian delegation at the extraordinary LCY congress , Kosovar Albanians were to be denied a multiparty political system in the province which would allow Albanian nationalist parties to challenge Serbian domination .
3 We arrive to witness a near riot — the dull hungry eyes of the children having been lit up by fear that the food is about to run out .
4 It has been pointed out by Gospel that ‘ managers ’ themselves can not be defined simply as being either employers or employees , since for the majority of them their role is ( simultaneously ) of a dual nature :
5 It has been pointed out by Ochshorn that Jesus ' message is evidently addressed basically to men .
6 ‘ I know Rosemary feels eaten up by guilt that she 's fallen in love with you while she 's married to someone else , but surely — ’ Leith tried to reason .
7 As for preventing protein synthesis , it was discovered almost by accident that many antibiotics — which of course work by preventing bacteria from growing and multiplying — achieve this goal by preventing bacterial protein or RNA synthesis .
8 Stories of inferior accommodation , equipment and materials , effectively deemed to be ‘ good enough ’ for students with special needs , seemed to far outweigh reports of a stated commitment for those students being backed up by provision that was dignified and appropriate .
9 De Vries soon lost interest and began to promote his ‘ mutation theory ’ , which stressed the role of saltations backed up by evidence that significant new characters were being produced in cultivated populations of the evening primrose .
10 what better way to sell yourself than come up with a contentious issue backed up by evidence that you
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