Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] at the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 The lectures laid on at the Sorbonne were of an abysmal simplicity , and given by lecturers who grossly though understandably underestimated their audience : they bored her as she had not been bored by work for years .
2 Tucking in at the Cork District Social function held in Clancy 's Bar on Wednesday , 7th April 1993 .
3 Once at Frankfurt 's Rhine-Main airport he had collected the keys of a Golf Corbio from the Hertz desk and driven the twenty-four miles on the A66 to Mainz where he checked in at the Europa Hotel on Kaiserstrasse .
4 Friends and colleagues past and present got together at the Brunswick Arms in Stamford Street to give him a big send off .
5 She gazed down at the London horizon , its tranquillity pierced by hulks of office buildings .
6 Pa has given special permission for the godparents and me to stand inside at the Jonah window , while he does the immersion outside .
7 On the 20th of March Katherine and Beatrice dined together at the Closerie des Lilas .
8 Police with truncheons waded in at the San Siro stadium as fighting broke out , although there were no immediate reports of severe injuries .
9 — Maxine Barrie , the Shirley Bassey lookalike who came out on top in the Granada TV Stars In Your Eyes programme , is appearing tonight at the Shotton Hall Banqueting Suite , Peterlee in a Valentine 's Night Special .
10 That 's what 's expected tonight at the Oxford Union , when former hangman , Syd Dernley speaks in favour of capital punishment .
11 That 's what 's expected tonight at the Oxford Union , when former hangman , Syd Dernley speaks in favour of capital punishment .
12 He took a taxi the twelve miles into Brighton , and was dropped off at the Willett Collection , housed in the town 's museum .
13 Most of them correspond with the list your boys drew up at the UN .
14 Contestants will line up at the Blundellsands Hotel , Crosby , at 8am on Sunday and will then parade through the city centre before setting off on their cross-Channel jaunt .
15 Meanwhile back in Wales , Philip Burton had taken the plunge , moved to Cardiff and gone to work full-time at the BBC as a producer .
16 Much of what we now know about the tool-using behaviour of wild chimpanzees has come from the remarkable long-term studies carried out at the Gombe Stream Reserve in Tanzania by British primatologist Jane Goodall .
17 The studies , carried out at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology , show that the reactions which convert chlorine into the active form that destroys ozone take place as the temperature drops below 200 degrees Kelvin .
18 Tests are carried out at the United States Department of Energy 's site in Nevada under the terms of the 1958 agreement between the United Kingdom and the United States .
19 Servicing of steam locomotive No. 90 was carried out at the Severn Valley Railway Works at Bridgenorth where a complete new firebox and boiler was made and then shipped to Galway for installation .
20 This volume reports a wide-ranging study of 16 leading British companies — including each of the seven companies covered in this report — carried out at the London Business School Centre for Business Strategy .
21 As has already been indicated , the planning processes of each company had previously been examined in a research study carried out at the London Business School .
22 Resurfacing work is to be carried out at the Thinford roundabout and diversions will be in operation via Ferryhill , Kirk Merrington and Tudhoe .
23 Research projects on many topics are carried out at the CTVM , overseas , and elsewhere in the Edinburgh area and students and staff present their work at weekly seminars .
24 Hornby on the occasion rebuked Brixton for not looking properly at the CNAA 's regulations — and the College was subsequently to have its proposals approved .
25 So he booked in at the John Radcliffe Cardiac Unit … close to his home in Marlow .
26 I have read Primo Levi 's experience at Auschwitz and I produced a series of paintings based on the Holocaust which were exhibited together at the Mercury Gallery .
27 Unlike Van der Ven , London dealer Angela Gräfin von Wallwitz , who specializes in Continental Ceramics and Works of Art , has elected to exhibit only at the Grosvenor House Fair this year .
28 Like the ‘ Samson ’ , it is an important rediscovery , once in the Demidoff Collection , that had been missing for decades and was last seen in at the C.L.Cardon sale in Brussels in 1921 .
29 The scene when Nancy had turned up at the Shangri-La guest house must have been terrible .
30 Having recently had a pacemaker installed I have nothing but praise for the treatment I received both at the Friarage Hospital in Northallerton and the Freeman in Newcastle ( a Trust hospital ) .
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