Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] with [noun] but " in BNC.

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1 If we adopt this standpoint authority lies not with teachers but with those who define society 's expectation of schools and of the teachers who work in them .
2 Although CD-ROMs look much like CD audio discs , they are encoded not with music but information which can be read and displayed by a computer .
3 Wasps also make nests filled with combs of hexagonal cells , but they build not with wax but with paper .
4 Whitlock caught up with Mobuto but remained discreetly in the background while he finished talking to the Chief of Protocol .
5 She helped spasmodically with PANUP but he was never sure how far she was actually committed .
6 The book claimed that cancer and other deformities were mistaken wills , were new organs to meet new needs dreamed up in the deep unconscious , and that therefore they should be treated not with surgery but with interest and affection — humanity was limiting its potential by cutting out the tumours , blasting the cells .
7 That is why within the Evangelical tradition there is the emphasis on the believer being simul justus et peccator , simultaneously made right with God but still sinful .
8 The deeper mines filled easily with water but , unlike coal mines , they were safe from roof collapse .
9 I had grown up with class but it was a shifting , unstable , changing force and you fancied across it regardless , for the world was open .
10 It trailed across the dust , occasionally halting in dark brown cakes , from room to room , not through the doors sealed up with breeze-blocks but through holes in the walls , holes through which we crawled , troglodytes all .
11 I got off with Andrew but that 's all a p only a who I get off with him and I do n't fancy him , I know I do n't want to go out with him I just fancy him for the occasional snog , fair enough but I 'm just saying like you know you fancy
12 A National Grid spokesman yesterday confirmed negotiations had been going on with landowners but he said it was perfectly normal procedure .
13 There is erm a chap down our road had a had a huge dog and when he when he took it for a walk , you know he used to he used to stagger along with him and my wife used to say there he goes again , the do what was it she used to say , the dog 's taking the man for a walk again and it i do you think it 's that sort of idea you know that in some households th the dog takes over from the er sort of central figure , even the dominant figure , things hinge round the dog , you know the holiday what shall we do with the dog , pouring down with rain but the dog has to go out for its walk and somebody has to take it .
14 Later , Robertson revealed that he 'd clashed not with Thomas but John Hughes , the Falkirk defender .
15 In contrast , when , in the same month , three terrorists were charged with conspiracy to murder Tom King , former Secretary for Northern Ireland , armed not with weapons but with a magazine article on sniping , it was announced in mid-trial that significant changes were to be made to a suspect 's right to silence .
16 The composer as surveyor rather than painter , therefore , armed not with canvas but night-glasses and a theodolite .
17 I 'm going back with Celia but I shall be here in time to get your breakfast in the morning . ’
18 SIXTYSOMETHING : Grey hair and wrinkles are catching up with Clint but the Hollywood giant is not ready for the bus pass yet LEAPING WITH LIFE : Clint takes pride in the fact that he still does most of his own stunts
19 I mean it may well be we 'll say in year seven , look the things we 're looking for here and I want everybody to comment on is , A er , how well they 've settled down er how well they 're getting on with others but there 's no reason why you ca n't make those decisions .
20 Midge was lit up with excitement but she had remembered to bring birth certificates , marriage lines , wedding photos and a whole dossier of medical records .
21 It was natural for the Girls to go out with men but Tiller was possessive and seemed to expect them to remain single until they were about thirty years of age , then quietly fade away .
22 Upon a network of metals , lighted by great arc lamps , the workers here deal not with packages but with trucks .
23 Its windows and doors had been sealed up with breeze-blocks but the Koranic inscription beneath the roof remained and someone had painted it in the past ten years .
24 Retiring in 1961 , there is no-one on the current staff who worked closely with Ralph but to give a flavour of his long life two articles are recreated below .
25 The fault lay not with Alison but with her surroundings , soulless and uninviting .
26 Carrie felt her face go tight with anger but she said nothing .
27 Wales , western and northern England will have a wet start but become brighter with showers but with a risk of thunder .
28 A basis of secure attachment enables people not only to get on with others but also to achieve a measure of autonomy in their lives .
29 He found it difficult to get on with people but he was n't a bad man . ’
30 If it was , for instance , Peregrine , which south of Pes Preston , certainly in my area , will grow quite well on a wall outside , then I think you 'll get away with netting but I think without knowing whether it 's an indoor peach or an outdoor peach , you 're on a bit of a loser .
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