Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] to [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Recently , we were having a debate in the Lords and we got on to nationalization and I said that one thing that we need to nationalize in this country is the Treasury , but nobody has ever succeeded .
2 Did n't you even got on to frogs and rabbits ?
3 Straightaway Steve got on to Malcolm and told him they needed all this money to join up with Scientology .
4 In Colombia , many of the peasants were persuaded to give up their coffee and cocoa trees , which though not highly productive , could be relied on to produce and , instead , to take up seasonal crops such as corn , soybeans and tomatoes .
5 Entry qualifications are generally the same , that is five O level GCE passes or their equivalent , as those required to continue on to degree and other higher level courses , which is indeed what the great majority of students do when they have successfully completed their foundation courses .
6 In fact , his intense interest , an interest which he passed on to Engels and other revolutionary Marxists , is neither accidental nor peripheral : it is one indication of the difference between Marx 's thought and that of other revolutionaries , whether his predecessors or his contemporaries .
7 In North 's briefing on the contras , given widely to donors and politicians when he was at the NSC , the emphasis was striking .
8 She always wanted Mikey to go on to university and become a doctor or a lawyer .
9 and I went who 's applying to go on to university or education after eighteen , so I put up my hand , turned round and flipping Stuart and Danny had put their hands up and I just went oh god , they 're gon na do really well and Terry , and Terry , we 're talking Terry , Terry who has n't got a brain cell to rub together
10 There 's been an increasing tendency for people to stay on at school because they really want to , where it was one of the great criticisms of the boom years that people simply stayed on the escalator regardless , did n't think whether they wanted to stay on to , into sixth form , did n't think whether they wanted to go on to university or higher education , erm just did it without thinking .
11 Of course , had to go on to Shanghai and get the course going there without me .
12 They would travel to Hamburg , then by boat to Hull : many of them intending to go on to Liverpool and from there to America .
13 So from US you have been led back to US AND GOD ; it remains to go on to GOD AND US . ’
14 ‘ He and Elise are travelling around India and after they 've been everywhere there they plan to go on to Thailand and … ’
15 He wanted her to remain , to go on to Vivaldi and the Handel marches because her playing was good .
16 In 1986 tax liability was abolished on gifts made outright to individuals or put into trusts for children , as long as the donor survives seven years from the date of the gift .
17 After the working day they sit down to supper and the master sets the tasks for the morrow : Quoth Maister — Lads , work hard I pray , Cloth mun be peark 'd next market-day , And Tom mun go tomorn to t'spinners , And Will mun seek about for t'swingers ; And Jack tomorn , by time be rising , And go t'sizing mill for sizing , And get your web and warping done That ye may get it into loom .
18 So the discussion got down to practicalities and planning , a new keenness evident .
19 When he got down to Punctuality and Considerateness as a Driver , he decided to give up and improvise .
20 Nor did the cheering cease when the runners got down to business and the three-mile race commenced , for at almost every fence Arkle and Mill House produced leaps which drew from the spectators whoops of appreciation .
21 Both , to begin , were hostile to the growing prospect of a corporate state where power belongs less to parliament or cabinet than to organised interests such as unions , multinationals , federations of employers , state monopolies and established institutions like professional bodies .
22 In July 1950 he asked her to drive down to Cambridgeshire and collect his son from boarding school .
23 Yeah , then it goes down to orgies or whatever what they are has any of that worked ?
24 It 's a pretty modest document , which was never going to appeal greatly to Dublin or the SDLP , who would have to abandon the leverage they have through the Anglo-Irish Agreement .
25 From the terrace , a broad flight of central steps led down to lawns and formal flowerbeds .
26 The government issued a clarification on Aug. 29 pointing out that the new reservations applied only to jobs and not to educational places .
27 ( The phrase ‘ suitable applicants ’ refers only to ability and motivation . )
28 Its officers , ‘ political deputies ’ , posted down to battalion or company level , constitute a separate chain of command , supplying personnel evaluations on a confidential basis to their political superiors .
29 ‘ This would mean we had given in to vandalism and bad behaviour , ’ he said .
30 They say I had the vanity to go down to Croisset and make an embarrassing scene on his doorstep .
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