Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] a [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 They insisted she had insulted counter girls after she had been refused discount on a slinky black evening dress which she saw hanging on a rail in the fashionable Hyper Hyper clothes store in London 's Kensington High Street .
2 His Dad kept it hanging on a nail in the shed and he 'd have noticed right away if it was missing .
3 The man went to a jacket hanging on a nail in the corner , and Produced a used envelope with pencilled writing on the outside .
4 ‘ Our great founder laid down a rule in his will that anyone who went to prison would not have to pay his subscription during the time that he was unable to use the club premises , and that any unused portion of his subscription should be held over until his release . ’
5 She had scarcely seen the Mercedes that had swung into the drive just as she 'd been about to go out , but by sheer instinct she had swerved to miss it , sparing only a glance in the mirror to tell her the other car was safe before speeding on her way again .
6 The farmworker receives only a pittance in pay-off — perhaps £2,000 in redundancy pay — whereas the owner of the land may receive thousands of pounds for several years .
7 In December 1985 the long-awaited Fowler review of the State Earnings Related Pension Scheme ( SERPS ) produced only a reduction in the pension benefits rather than an abolition of the scheme ( it is worth noting , however , that the encouragement to leave SERPS for private schemes has had some success ; by mid-1989 over one million people had left ) .
8 Before starting the drive and after completing it subjects filled in a questionnaire in which they were required to rate their ability at 12 different standard driving manoeuvres .
9 Jeff Richer had choreographed the salacious routine , which began with me oozing down a cat-walk in a long black velvet evening coat and sliding it off my shoulders as I turn to camera revealing the lace gown .
10 Frances had been walking along a pavement in Oxford when she was hit from behind .
11 In the first incident McConville , of Lurgan Road , Aghagallon , rubbed his hands up and down her sides as she bent over a dishwasher in the kitchen .
12 It has only been met twice this year , the budget is quite small for the amount of work we can continue to do is quite small er it 's quite possible that it would only need to meet once a year in future so it would be sensible to combine it with other non-policy and traffic matters as a working party .
13 Erm er changes in the central charges which always intrigues me I 'd like to know and erm if I may go back to erm paragraph seven where we 're saying you know allocated thirty five thousand in the committee development over and above the effects of inflation an and this subject six thousand seven hundred recycled savings is available for some revenue development or mortgage charges and then if we look at eight and shortfall in planning applications we are going to use that six thousand seven hundred to write off a shortfall in the planning applications .
14 ‘ I 'm mixed up a bit in it .
15 However the different structure of the international legal system makes it dangerous to accept automatically a development in municipal law into international law .
16 Soon after moving in Minton drew up a will in which he left the house to Ricky .
17 In 1977 , we drew up a petition in the name of AMPES which was distributed to factory owners .
18 The department is actively developing a programme of MSc degrees to provide both a grounding in research methodology and the opportunity to develop research competence in particular fields .
19 ‘ He beat up a woman in custody . ’
20 Here he built up a trade in seeds , corn , manure , and fertilizer , and started a malt kiln in Driffield and a brewery and kilns in Malton .
21 He had picked up a fare in the City — an army deserter called Percy Toplis , who asked to be driven to Basingstoke .
22 ‘ My fitness has picked up a lot in the last two or three weeks and I 'm kicking a ball and running fine , ’ said Owers .
23 It was more surprising coming from thrusting thirtysomethings who had probably never picked up a copy in their lives , certainly not since their last visit to the school dentist .
24 Three generations have passed through this room , slept here , argued here , made love here , even picked up a passenger in Shaftesbury Avenue to take out to Neasden … ’
25 picked up a point in a 1–1 draw George woodhouse gave the home side the lead 15 minutes from the end , but Roger Wicks levelled five minutes later .
26 ‘ You had deliberately led me to believe that you 'd picked up a stranger in Bruges , and naturally I had assumed him to be a Belgian . ’
27 The trick is to use the person 's name to conjure up a picture in your mind .
28 Through this progression , we build up a vista in the round , the lone figure of the narrator at its centre ; then , in ( 4 ) and ( 5 ) , the eye focuses on a particular point : the distant river and vanishing tug , whose disappearance from the scene reinforces the narrator 's isolation .
29 The same thing applies when you build up a story in words .
30 One gentleman , who has not actually seen the apparition , has on several occasions heard footsteps walking up a stairway in the station .
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