Example sentences of "[noun] always [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Politeness always conceals a refusal to face other kinds of reality .
2 The western slopes of the Annalong Valley are a superb vantage points to watch shepherds and dogs in action , and if your itinerary always includes a stop for a mug of tea then be warned that the only tea-shop I know of in the area is in the park at the bottom of Silent Valley .
3 To find the best way in which to correct such an observation and to nullify its effect always poses a problem for the judge because , if he intervenes immediately , the effect will probably be to emphasise the obvious relevance and cogency of the comment which ought not to have been made .
4 Starting with cost reduction any cost reduction programme always involves a lot of redundancy and , and this is no exception and from the slide you 'll see that we 've er we 've had a staff reduction er , from the the plan for this year of one thousand and thirty three er and that 's the , that will save us in a full year something like fifteen point nine , sixteen million pounds .
5 Ken always had a plate of mackerel served for him .
6 From Haiku , SHe had learned Ms Penumbra always put a price on everything .
7 The rock sensibility always included a strand of folk ideology — folk musicians and folk ways , particularly the celebration of ‘ live ’ performance , were central to the development of rock in both Britain and the United States .
8 Some of these shifts in time perception are due to changes in metabolic rate produced by fever and drugs , but the mind always plays a part .
9 It is certainly not without significance that the Association always maintained a link with the new youth movement by aligning itself with the Boys ' Brigade and playing an active role in the formation of the Scouts .
10 Normal subjects always begin a sleep period with slow wave sleep , and do not start their first REM sleep period for at least forty-five minutes , sometimes as long as two hours .
11 This suggests that subjects always identified a word first and then decided whether or not it rhymed ; and that the rhyme decision took about 140 milliseconds to make after the word had been identified .
12 Protect yourself with the PowerBreaker plug electrical gardening equipment always poses a danger for gardeners .
13 Theory work always sounds a bit boring and unnecessary but I must say that Anne Elsworth 's video on Colour Mixing for Painters ( Anne Elsworth ) is never dull and is full of useful exercises and information .
14 Note that this saving throw is not strictly speaking because of armour , and the Orc always has a saving throw of 6 even if he is struck by a weapon that would normally have a saving throw modifier .
15 Sabrina always got a kick out of the swivelling bookcase ; it was like something out of a Boris Karloff film .
16 Scotland always had a passion for building three and four story high tenement buildings .
17 Management always kept a track on all the workers and treated those of us in the independent union very differently .
18 It was only three minutes down the road , and Jim always had a storehouse of odds and ends .
19 A verb always makes a link and it always represents some kind of movement .
20 Anyway , Sheila always has a latchkey tied round her neck , so they can get into the house . ’
21 As a back-up system , the big stick always had a lot going for it .
22 so I have Sally , and , and er , her mum always cooks a meal in the evening so I , I do something like toasted cheese sandwiches or beans on toast or something like that at lunch time , but there was one time when she wanted peanut butter and , all her brother used to ask , I , her brother does n't come to me now , he stays at home cos he 's going on fifteen , and as he 's next door but one anyway , you know if , if anything goes wrong he can come along to me , but all he wanted was my homemade blackcurrant jam , and now he does n't come any more I 've got to actually give him
23 What had really confused everyone was the fact that Kemp always carried a hip-flask of brandy in the car 's glove compartment , and that he had given his wife — trapped by the legs beside him — several sips from this flask before the ambulance arrived ; and had even drunk from it himself !
24 But the timber of woodlands always has a claim to be treated as a commercial crop , and though the making of a tree preservation order does not necessarily involve the owner in any financial loss ( isolated trees or groups of trees are usually planted expressly as an amenity ) , there are occasions when it does .
25 Pacemaking then was more predictable than now ; in a well-organised handicap someone like Wooderson always had a target just ahead .
26 Fellas always do a fancy knock .
27 To do this he must first be able to assess the teeth by feeling them thoroughly and , to make this possible , Tom always uses a gag .
28 Tom always had a couple of lurcher dogs tagging along at his heels when he was a kid .
29 Cabinet business always involves a mixture of political and specialist ( or administrative ) considerations .
30 The first few weeks always included a number of experiences designed to undo at least some of the damage done to sensible language learning by our schools and universities .
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