Example sentences of "[noun] ' [noun] over the " in BNC.

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1 They will examine the social importance of journalists ' work over the last 25 years , particularly with regards to the Troubles .
2 Bankers retaliate by pointing out that accountants ' advice is invariably based on historic record rather than future possibility , and that it is impossible for them to give impartial advice if they have been auditing their clients ' books over the past years .
3 Ca n't the British people and their MPs grasp the simple fact that a European Bank and a single currency would complete Brussels ' control over the locality of industry ?
4 The subsequent decades saw a growth of internationalization and multilateralism within this system until the crossroads of the 1970s and 1980s where the United States ' hegemony over the international system was interrupted .
5 At a banquet hosted by Yang Shangkun on Nov. 1 Nixon described the June crackdown as " excessive and unjustified " , saying that it had damaged US respect and confidence in the Chinese leadership and , speaking to Li Peng , he argued that the two countries ' differences over the events in June were " huge and unbridgeable " , but that Sino-US relations should not be allowed to founder over the issue .
6 Aratus wrote his hymn to Pan after Antigonus Gonatas ' victory over the Gauls in the following year .
7 At Ashness Bridge , one of the most frequented sites in the Lakes , he helped to launch a major programme to combat the erosion caused by the pounding of millions of visitors ' feet over the years .
8 The continuing silence of the Transport and General Workers ' Union over the selection of drivers for redundancy by Tarmac Roadstone Ltd on a quarry-by-quarry basis , resulted in a Nottingham industrial tribunal deciding that the company had acted fairly .
9 Sir : The Institute of Statisticians ' role over the last 40 years has been to promote and protect the professional integrity of statisticians not only in this country but in the many others covered by our membership ( 'Wide support for impartial check on official statistics ' , 10 October ) .
10 In essence the courts ' control over the conditions of jurisdiction is premised upon the assumption that they are thereby effectuating the will of Parliament ; they are ensuring that the tribunal or authority remains within the boundaries of what Parliament intended it to examine by ensuring that those conditions are present .
11 The courts ' control over the exercise of administrative discretion is not new .
12 If it were true , why am I , as responsible Minister , spending £567 million of taxpayers ' money over the current public expenditure survey round on regional policy ?
13 Their latest , a prototype 80-to 100-seater called Asuka , has devoured ¥38 billion ( $210m ) of taxpayers ' money over the past 12 years .
14 The campesinos kept enough for their families ' needs over the year and handed the rest of the harvest in to the Supplies Team .
15 By a suit in the Court of Chancery the Corporation vindicated commoners ' rights over the whole of the waste land within the forest ‘ according to the assize and custom of the Forest ’ .
16 One frequent source of judicial comment was commoners ' rights over the Downs , frequently abused it would seem .
17 Asimov took the idea from the tales of the feuding Greeks ' victories over the united Persians who so vastly outnumbered them .
18 As this was a Bill that was passed for one year only , the refusal to pass it would effectively restore the Lords ' power over the government by taking away its legal control over the army .
19 According to General Practitioner ophthalmologists in the United Sates have devised a way of saving millions — by testing patients ' eyesight over the telephone .
20 Also in this category , but published for the first time in this volume , is the article Jackie And Just Seventeen which not only records changes in the content of girls ' magazines over the 80s ( since McRobbie 's original analysis of the late 70s , also included here ) but registers theoretical developments as well through its attention to the ways in which girls as readers both construct their own meanings and interact with the texts .
21 As your Qualified Teachers ' representative over the last four years I have witnessed many new and exciting changes taking place within the Medau Society .
22 This mission statement is based on the notion that there will be a strong convergence between the public interest and members ' interests over the longer term , but is this necessarily so ?
23 Perhaps the Institute can , indeed , maintain an appropriate balance between the public interest and members ' interests over the longer term , but on the evidence currently available , it should come as no surprise that members are unwilling to accept too much on trust .
24 The consequence of the Knoyles ' poverty and the Hutchings ' absenteeism over the previous two centuries was that the Manor House had a miraculous escape from Georgian owners wanting to keep up with the times .
25 Developments in the UK incentives ' field over the last month have focused mainly on policy announcements rather than on changes to particular schemes of assistance .
26 One of its effects had been the cancellation of examinations in most secondary schools , with instead assessment of students ' work over the year being counted towards matriculation .
27 Steven Clark , the leading points winner in the boys ' event over the LTA 's 114 and Under Indoor Winter Series of tournaments , went down with appendicitis two days before the latest tournament , played at the Gosling Sports Park during March .
28 Paul Mayo ( below ) won the 1992 Peugeot PGA Assistants ' Championship over the East Course at East Sussex National .
29 consumers ' concern over the environmental impact of packaging — both retail and industrial — is growing .
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