Example sentences of "[noun] man [coord] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They did not include the banners of Edward of England , or the Fighting Man or the Dragon of Harold of Wessex .
2 My husband was eager to meet the axe man and the shape-shifter of Ralarth once more . ’
3 ‘ The axe man and the shape-shifter , ’ Murtach murmured .
4 Meadowbrook I knew all about , a steady ensemble man but no headliner .
5 He was a club man and the Co-op had got a club .
6 Next week I 'm a mining man and the week after I 'll have a wife , one already arranged for and waiting .
7 In November , 1991 a UDA man and a UVF member died when a small IRA semtex bomb exploded behind a radiator in a dining room .
8 You draw up in your taxi ( motorbikes work even better ) and park right outside , making sure you are seen by the Security Man or the receptionist .
9 The art director , as well as being an ideas man and a designer , must also be a sound technician because an advertisement has got to work , which means it must fill the allotted space attractively and effectively .
10 The producer put me , a sound man and a camera man into a London taxi ( for street cred ) and asked the driver to go round Piccadilly until I 'd finished speaking .
11 ‘ Are you by any chance due for a visit from the tax man or the VAT inspector in the near future ? ’
12 No extended lines of credit , no invoicing thirty days later and all designed to be quick in-and-out operations before the tax man or the VAT man has twigged there 's anything going on at all .
13 Peter Graham Scott , who made some episodes of Danger Man and the TV play The Quare Fellow , was working on the legendary series The Troubleshooters when he was called on to direct several episodes of Sir Francis Drake , including the opening one .
14 Phil stepped right up and tinkled out Danger Man and the theme from Robinson Crusoe .
15 When asked if he sees himself as a business man or a sailor , he replies without demur that he is ‘ a businessman ’ , but he also professes , a touch pugnaciously , to being ‘ a socialist ’ and believes that opportunities for the ordinary person to take part in ocean racing have become even fewer since large scale sponsorship .
16 For a closer analysis shows that what is really being talked about in such propositions is not men or dragons , but the concept man and the concept dragon , and what is being said is that certain things fall under the former concept , whereas the latter concept is empty .
17 In 1941 a bomb fell on the College and it was thought to be the end of Halling Man but the bones were found with the relative animal bones and sent to the British Museum ( Natural History ) .
18 one of Hart 's five self-penned tunes , and a good one at that , reminding me of ‘ pop ’ tunes by such jazz luminaries as Herbie Hancocks , Lee Morgan ( Watermelon Man and the Sidewinder respectively ) .
19 Responsibility for the key tenets of deconstruction — the autotelism of language , the inability of language to refer , the figurality of all language , and the self-deconstructing nature of literary texts — is therefore ambiguously divided between de Man and the texts that he reads .
20 I was checking the walkway the insurance man and the fire door 's there and the hose is on the floor like that .
21 I want to be known for my driving , not as a society man or a lover or God knows what . ’
22 THANKS to the work of a Suffolk man and the company he founded a decade ago , an end could be in sight for a crisis affecting the coconut industry around the world .
23 Again Cornerville man or the taxi dancer are operating within capitalist , patriarchal and , frequently , racist societies .
24 Others , like the VAT man and the probation officer , stayed almost as long as Alistair .
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