Example sentences of "[noun] might [vb infin] for [det] " in BNC.

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1 In the fourth and fifth years of secondary education , they suggested , the foundation subjects might account for some 75–85% of pupils ' time ( 30–40% of that devoted to the core subjects ) , leaving some 15–25% of time for other subjects , at the discretion of the school ( DES/Welsh Office , 1987 ) .
2 I just wonder whether the Chairman might ask for another verdict and then if that 's tied it will have to go up before Council . .
3 What other reasons might account for this urban rural wage differential , just generally higher er standard of living er just cost , just prices er yeah , the cost the cost of living may well be higher and as a result employers have to pay higher wages ,
4 Eric 's return might call for all my reactions and powers to be at their peak of efficiency .
5 A Wife might please for half a Year :
6 This was what the carrying out of the policy might involve for those soldiers of the British Army who would be directly responsible for the repatriation operations .
7 Some players might settle for that but I am not satisfied .
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