Example sentences of "[noun] over the [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 In the Commons , the Prime Minister has said he is still consulting with the United States over the situation in Bosnia .
2 Police questioned Der'i over the affair in late September .
3 Taking advantage of the ebb and flow of state politics and power , Border reivers swept in force over the Border in the company of English refugees who were now their grateful allies .
4 But he makes no secret of his pleasure over the ruling in the Guggenheim case .
5 actually no that was the night she was really pissed off because erm people were paying more attention to me than they were to her , I do n't know why , it 's because I decide that I 'm gon na be really outgoing and I really do and I was really loud and really boisterous and she 's quite resigned like that and she thought I sh bit shagged off with me and then like I was doing , there was this really good looking bloke and he was like we , we 'd given each other eyes over the bar in this pub and Lottie goes well if you do n't hurry up with him I 'm gon na go and have him , if you do n't hurry up , you know , and just like marched over I said Charlotte give me a break
6 Long before experts scratched their heads over the increase in teenage pregnancies , Shakespeare 's Romeo and Juliet demonstrated the essential hotheadedness , spontaneity and damn-the-consequences timeframes of teenagers .
7 The interior of the cave soon admits daylight from a vertical shaft on the moor above , Little Douk pot , and then meanders in darkness for half a mile to its entrance at Middle Washfold , due south over the wall in the next allotment where an isolated outcrop of limestone makes a white scar on the dark moor .
8 Nicknamed ‘ The Soap ’ for the ease with which he escaped from custody , Fargette was apparently trying to expand his hold over the area in and around Toulon where he was in control of numerous gambling bars and night clubs .
9 The ANGLO-SCOTS won only one of their four under-21 championship matches on their visits over the Border in September and October , and that was an upset .
10 On Dec. 7 the Zaïrean government asked for the action to be suspended and expressed its indignation over the manner in which its nationals had been expelled " in spite of the blood ties " between the two countries .
11 But there may be some disagreement over the way in which Dr Clarke formulates this .
12 Ripa di Meana 's idea would , however , require an international treaty whereby Italy would relinquish sovereignty over the town in exchange for the other member states financing its revitalisation .
13 Hugh de Riveire , a man as able as his older cousin Osbern of Eu , considered the changed circumstances over the fire in the privacy of their quarters at Scone , and reached a conclusion .
14 The explosions in March and April of 1969 at an electricity sub station in Castlereagh and at the Silent Valley reservoir in the Mournes were followed by an explosion at an electricity sub-station over the border in County Donegal .
15 There are MS records on the title page of a collection of evergreens planted on the bowling green in the 1730s ; of Tulip trees and ‘ Virginia Oakes ’ ( the American evergreen oak ) on the Arbor Vitae Grove in 1739 ; and an important note of the planting of 1000 cedars , procured from a butcher at Barnes ( for £70.16s ) giving their exact distribution over the estate in 1760 .
16 TWO Israeli soldiers died in ambushes and troops shot dead four Palestinians over the weekend in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip .
17 Two Israeli soldiers were killed in ambushes and troops shot dead four Palestinians over the weekend in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip .
18 The Great Turtle was a mere hypothesis until the day the small and secretive kingdom of Krull , whose rim-most mountains project out over the Rimfall , built a gantry and pulley arrangement at the tip of the most precipitous crag and lowered several observers over the Edge in a quartz-windowed brass vessel to peer through the mist veils .
19 Sift the flour over the mixture in the bowl and fold in quickly and gently with a metal spoon .
20 Many are already threatened by poachers , mostly refugees from the civil war over the border in neighbouring Liberia .
21 People have argued and slaughtered each other , have waged wars throughout the course of the last two thousand years over the way in which particular passages should be understood .
22 ‘ Like the way Nigel lied over that Saturday night , all the subterfuge over the petrol in the Datsun .
23 Anxious to exploit government embarrassment over the delay in its programme for electricity privatisation , he added : ‘ Energy policy is too critical to the future of this nation to leave to the short-term whims of market forces .
24 A direct airmail subscription to your home is actually cheaper than buying WCM over the counter in Australia , New Zealand , India , Pakistan , Sri Lanka , West Indies , South Africa , etc .
25 In recognition of that , Pope Sylvester II sent him a crown in the year 1000 and , so it is claimed , apostolic rights over the Church in Hungary .
26 Thus , although the council had no rights over the land in 1983 , it seems as if Tillson 's agreement to become their tenant gave the land back to them .
27 Ownership does not give the owner absolute rights over the property in question , since in some cases others may also have rights over the property ; e.g. Lord Bogside may be the freeholder of Wychwood Manor , including five acres of parkland , yet the owner of the neighbouring property , Wormwood Cottage , may have a right of way to cross over Lord Bogside 's land .
28 At once the crabber began to bounce about on the waves , as though the Angharad was dancing a jig over the water in her pleasure at taking a trip .
29 In 1825–9 he studied at Edinburgh University , graduating MD in 1829 ; the dedicatees of his thesis , ‘ De Ventris in Reliquum Corpus Potestate ’ ( on the influence of the abdomen over the body in general ) , included Professors William P. Alison and James Home [ qq.v . ] .
30 Does my right hon. Friend agree that abolishing the upper earnings limit would hit well over 3 million people — for instance , policemen , health service workers and those in seasonal occupations — merely because overtime bonuses or profit-related pay would take their earnings over the average in any particular week ?
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