Example sentences of "[noun] over and [prep] that " in BNC.

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1 Residuals can tell us about the general level of variability of data over and above that accounted for by the fit ; we can judge atypical behaviour against this variability , as measured , for example , by the midspread of the residuals .
2 No further expense over and above that was incurred in , or in connection with , the provision of surplus places to the taxpayers ' children .
3 Their deeper action over and above that of repeated low potency centesimals seems plain and although I have no evidence I feel that high centesimals would probably have aggravated and made more difficult the roundabout route which we followed .
4 This means that the outgoing particles have an extra degree of randomness or unpredictability over and above that usually associated with the uncertainty principle .
5 I am confident that what has been agreed will enable us to achieve that without spending any cash over and above that already in our normal annual budget over the next two years . ’
6 By contrast both productive opportunities yield positive NPVs ; that is , they provide a return to investors over and above that offered by the capital market .
7 In a photoionization process , on the other hand , any energy from the incoming photon over and above that needed to ionize the molecule is carried away as kinetic energy of the electron ejected from the molecule ; conservation of linear momentum is generally accomplished by recoil of the ion formed .
8 Normally there 's no problem filling all the orders I get from the Heymouth hotels and others in the area , with dozens of braces over and above that to send to Edinburgh , Glasgow and London .
9 However , it is believed to be in the region of £15 million a year for the world-wide rights , plus a percentage of profits over and above that figure .
10 The review of RAWP also examined the use of census based socioeconomic variables ( so called ‘ social deprivation ’ factors ) to explain variation in health service use over and above that associated with the standardised mortality ratio .
11 In general terms , special damage is damage over and above that suffered by the public at large or some significant section of it affected by the decision .
12 Any private individual who has suffered particular damage as a result of the nuisance ( i.e. damage over and above that suffered by the public as a whole ) may bring a civil action in tort to seek the abatement of the nuisance and recover damages for loss already sustained .
13 number of days per institution and then the weighting over and above that is on the number of pupils , mm .
14 In Bateman ( 1925 ) , where a doctor had attended the confinement of a woman who died whilst giving birth , the Court of Criminal Appeal held that there must be negligence over and above that which is sufficient to establish civil liability , and which shows ‘ such disregard for the life and safety of others ’ as to deserve punishment .
15 This is to give extra protection over and above that .
16 Er we do hold the view that the sixty hectares is sufficient on the on the basis that there is a degree of flexibility within the structure plan provision , er and that er flexibility should allow us erm in special circumstances for example to compensate for the loss of existing major employment erm sites , erm to make additional provision over and above that .
17 When you get to vehicles over and above that , we run into problems where people that have
18 The stores are then allocated a minimum number of each title , according to their size and market , with the larger stores taking an amount over and above that , to be decided by the Penguin representatives and the stores ' buyers .
19 As my Hon. Friend the Member for Cunninghame , North ( Mr. Wilson ) said , there are other benefits over and above that for example , the early retirement pension , the ill-health retirement pension , the lump sum on retirement , insurance so that any surviving dependants will receive the pension rights of the deceased , and so on .
20 As my Hon. Friend the Member for Cunninghame , North ( Mr. Wilson ) said , there are other benefits over and above that for example , the early retirement pension , the ill-health retirement pension , the lump sum on retirement , insurance so that any surviving dependants will receive the pension rights of the deceased , and so on .
21 They are paid to compensate for any additional costs incurred in paying for accommodation in the overseas location over and above that which would be incurred at home .
22 The proposition , in paras 1.7–1.10 of the appellant 's comments , that the margin above calculated need was set at 60% over and above that calculated to provide ‘ at any one moment , a five year supply of readily available private housing land ’ is a grossly misleading account of the provisions made in the approved Structure Plan .
23 Otherwise we shall see a continuing decline over and above that which increased productivity would normally dictate .
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