Example sentences of "[noun] over [adj] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The draft constitution , to be voted on in the April referendum , would reduce the legislature to a single , bicameral body ; specify the supremacy of federal law over that of constituent republics ; and retain the President as " head of state and the highest executive in Russia " .
2 In the light of these beliefs , he concluded ( 1970 p 117 ) that Bentham 's Panopticon far from being progressive could justly be characterised as regressive " since he used its design to vaunt the merits of security over those of liberty .
3 And , in order to accomplish this , energy management systems , like the internal arrangement of the Panopticon , vaunt the merits of security over those of liberty .
4 The weather , geography , altitude , geology and the vegetation of both the surrounding land and wet environment have all attributed to an animals evolution over thousands of year .
5 The greater abundance of iron ores over those of copper also meant that iron was more readily obtainable and cheaper .
6 If we recall what was said earlier regarding the trend in primate evolution which promoted the visual sense over that of smell and prehensile agility over terrestrial quadrupedalism , we can readily see that the definitive adoption of a fully upright posture in man is only the culmination of this much more general evolutionary tendency .
7 It lives in large groups alongside rivers over much of South America .
8 In that case Mr Zamoyski would almost certainly have handed the shoe over free of charge .
9 Measured against ‘ a stagnant US economy , a not altogether successful satellite programme , and perennial crises in NATO ’ ( Zimmerman : 1969 , p. 179 ) , these developments created high expectations expressed at the November 1960 Conference of Eighty-One parties in the definitive formulation that ’ the superiority of the forces of socialism over those of imperialism … is becoming ever more marked in the world arena' ( Zimmerman : 1969 , p. 181 ) .
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