Example sentences of "[noun] because [pers pn] [vb base] [that] " in BNC.

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1 I , do n't mind being used as a guinea pig because I feel that it 'll help people in the future .
2 Erm what this is really about , I think we all recognise this is the erm purchaser aim to increase their leverage in the contract situation as against the providers on the other side of contract and in fact , I think we ought to tie this very much more in with what this authority has been saying about the proposals of the trust on the provider side because I think that this is an argument against the whole district N H S trusts that we 're getting , but it is encouraging the situation in which health authorities have purchasers on the other side of the contract are going to want to band together and merge to create a larger block in which to negotiate with their whole trust providers , I think this is a a very dangerous situation and think we needed to tie the two together as an argument there .
3 No , I mean in in industry and also the the the artists , they do enjoy er royal patronage because they know that it is an asset to the arts .
4 Hundreds of enthusiasts maintain their old Healeys in showroom condition because they feel that there 's never been another car like it .
5 Increasingly , other firms are drawn into the web of the military-industrial complex because they realise that government contracts take risk out of business .
6 The tenants take liberties with the messengers because they know that the owner is far away .
7 Keighley were not keen to visit the Humbersiders on Saturday because they claim that they had a sponsor lined up for a home game .
8 In 1930 Nizan noted " I dislike the philosophy of oppressors because I feel that I have been the victim of oppression ; reconciliation with oppression does not strike me as a victory for freedom , but rather as a death sentence . "
9 The polytechnics support vouchers because they believe that the system will give them parity of resources with the universities by allowing them to compete for students on equal terms .
10 Children , I 'm , I wonder why children are in that column because I think that they can cause you , you know all sorts of other problems .
11 So I 'm not a for a moment suggesting that some rules and regulations are n't needed and I think that er the trouble is that every rule and regulation that is passed in this house , there 's always an excuse for it and there 's usually a very good reason for it , but that is the problem that the government faces and it 's quite fairly er a problem the treasury face when they introduce these statutory instruments because er no one can disagree that fraud must be stamped out , all I 'm actually saying is that unfortunately upstairs we have a deregulation bill going ahead at all pace with hundreds of clauses and hundreds of new rules to try and red hundreds of new clauses to reduce the number of rules and here we are downstairs on the floor we have passing for very good reason perhaps , more rules and regulations and there are four more tonight and I believe that every government department Madam deputy speaker , has a minister specially appointed to keep an eye on deregulation and I just wondered although er my honourable friend on the front bench mentioned that er the even the D T I minister responsible for deregulation has looked at these , I wonder if there is a minister in the treasury , they 've actually put a minister in the treasury responsible for deregulation or is the ministry actually above deregulation because I think that er I got the impression that the that every ministry would have a deregulation minister and I think it would be rather useful to know who the deregulation minister is in the treasury .
12 I was disappointed with the attitude because I feel that Sainsbury 's employees should have equal advantage when entering JS Journal competitions , no matter where they live in Great Britain .
13 It struck me with some foreboding because I feel that ‘ lively discussion ’ is a code word for argument and I do n't regard high-pitched argument as the best means of reaching decisions .
14 I 'm making this point because I think that we can get really to verify
15 They name him Xorandor because they notice that ‘ His logic could be both absolutely rigorous and absolutely contradictory at crucial points , some arguments could be both XOR and AND , or XOR and OR ’ ( 18 ) .
16 Also the mothers are reluctant to reduce the amount of milk in the child 's diet because they know that this is the only form of nutrition that the child accepts .
17 Contact a Family have found that there is a move amongst Health Authorities to increase the age at which they provide free nappies for children with special needs because they argue that children without special needs use nappies at night until they are 4 or 5 .
18 A third group of carers take on the job because they feel that they have to .
19 We wish to expand our membership because we believe that birds are everyone 's concern .
20 Some have armies and weapons because they fear that , come a war , they would need protection and defences .
21 For a purely parochial event , it must have been quite an occasion because I believe that it ran from Wednesday , through to the following Saturday .
22 For if their own equilibrium price rises by 10 per cent and the average of all other prices rises by 10 per cent too , then they will not increase output because they know that there has been no increase in the relative price of the good on their island .
23 I would disagree that er , humans are n't used in experiments because I think that we 're all being used at various
24 They say the economists ' approach is winning a greater acceptance among doctors and health service managers because they appreciate that money is limited and choices have to be made on where it should be spent .
25 We will not support the Government 's proposals in relation to the maintenance of quality in higher education because we think that it is wrong for the people who determine quality in higher education to be the same as those who determine funding —
26 But we certainly did some good work in the education because I think that we erm we used to , you know , of course we 'd , we 'd got used to use our auxiliaries naturally and erm we used to have a big conc a big er concert once a year in the town hall and er we would involve all the auxiliaries you know erm and of course we used to always erm fell a bit flat , the International Day which is July , the first Ju Saturday in July is International Day , Co-operative International , and we have always , the Guilds have worked very closely with the International Day .
27 She had been born in Edinburgh but only mad chance because I think that the family were only there a short time .
28 I mention Husserl because I think that it may have been via Husserl that Wittgenstein acquired his own interest in intentionality .
29 We insist on integrity because we believe that internal compromises would deny what is often called " equality before the law " and sometimes " formal equality . "
30 On the one hand , I want fatherhood to make me a better person because I believe that , once I have the responsibility of looking after a child , giving up smoking and drinking and spending money on the motorbike will be a doddle .
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