Example sentences of "[noun] because it [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 The EC gets irritated at the mention of fraud because it fears that it weakens the Commission 's hand in GATT talks .
2 Thus it is clear that ( a ) affirms the footballer ; ( b ) also affirms the footballer because the speaker has made it clear that it is a personal reaction of liking or disliking which has nothing to do with appreciation of football 's being a good game ; ( c ) is affirming also because although criticism of the game is stated , its positive value comes first , and in any case the keen footballer is likely to be the first to agree that the level of enjoyment varies according to different games of football ; ( d ) however veers towards dismissal of football and therefore dismissal of what is meaningful to the footballer , because although it acknowledges that sometimes it is a good game the emphasis is on the negative side ; ( e ) is not affirming because even though the hurt to the footballer is cushioned by making it clear that this is a personal opinion , a very negative judgement is in fact articulated ; ( f ) has the straight effect of dismissing the footballer as well as football because it implies that anyone who spends time on football is stupid .
3 The board agreed to Crocker 's demands because it believed that the bank was well managed , and because it knew that the Midland did not have the management strength to tackle retail banking in an entirely alien environment .
4 The Educational Institute of Scotland has organised industrial action because it argues that the new school is still basically Bellarmine in a different building .
5 The Government is promoting Compacts because it recognises that there will be a shortfall in supply of responsible and qualified young people over the next few years .
6 The EC is blocking pork and beef imports because it claims that American slaughterhouses are unsanitary ; the Americans are blocking some wine imports because they have not tested a drug used in its production .
7 The great extension of astronomical observations that began early in the 1960s brought about a revival of interest in the classical theory of general relativity because it seemed that many of the new phenomena that were being discovered , such as quasars , pulsars , and compact X-ray sources , indicated the existence of very strong gravitational fields — fields that could be described only by general relativity .
8 The fourth point is the one that requires the greatest skill because it presupposes that you apply the hook at precisely the right time .
9 Being a writer is in itself a type of contradiction because it means that you are both an actor , a participant in the world and also an observer , an interpreter , a maker of meaning .
10 This suits other banks because it means that they can earn interest on surplus funds , knowing at the same time that they can get them very quickly , at call , if necessary .
11 However , there is an equally wide body of opinion , expressed mainly by manufacturing industries , which oppose such a move because it believes that it would disrupt the long period of uninterrupted production between the August holiday and the Christmas break .
12 The Labour Party supports considerable state intervention because it considers that it is more important to divide the cake more fairly , even if this means having more allocative inefficiency and a smaller cake to share out .
13 The official compilation was of moment because it ensured that certain general claims of the papacy , and the specific reasons for these claims , were not lost sight of in the later history of the papacy .
14 The decision marks a significant development because it shows that national copyright law can not be used to justify conduct which is incompatible with the objectives of Article 86 .
15 The use of I in the paraphrase suggests moreover that it is the speaker who somehow sees himself before the infinitive event because it implies that he has not yet realized his desire .
16 In 1986 the Norwegian government had demanded the return of the water because it suspected that , contrary to the original agreement , it was not being used for peaceful purposes but for the manufacture of plutonium for nuclear weapons [ see p. 36942 ] .
17 One suggestion is that pre-exposure to the context , by preventing the subsequent formation of context-target associations , might enhance latent inhibition because it ensures that particularly strong associations will be formed among the elements of the target itself .
18 Maxwell 's theory clashed with these generally accepted assumptions because it predicted that light is an electromagnetic phenomenon and also predicted , as was to be realized later , that fluctuating currents should emit a new kind of radiation , radio waves , travelling at a finite velocity through empty space .
19 The food was called Herakleophorbia because it suggested that food made you strong and tall .
20 This represents quite a significant change because it signals that the authorities were inclined to let market forces have a greater influence on the volume of credit ( and therefore the stock of money ; see Chapter 5 ) as well as the recipients of credit .
21 His Lordship reached that decision without enthusiasm because it seemed that as a matter of common sense , notice should be given in such circumstances before criminal proceedings were launched .
22 This regulation of registration often causes bad feeling because it means that Chinese people friendly with foreigners are easily recognised and traced .
23 An announcement that a firm is increasing its dividends is a good signal because it suggests that the managers believe that future earnings will be sufficient to sustain the higher level of dividends .
24 Prof. Tom Thomas , chairman of the polytechnic 's research degrees committee , said : ‘ This is a crucial signal because it demonstrates that the work of the polytechnic extends to the highest levels of scholarship .
25 The model is referred to as the ‘ grandmother cell ’ theory because it predicts that we should have populations of cells in our brains that fire only when we see our grandmothers .
26 But he also likes this method because it appears that the famine is caused by the Irish themselves as a result of their lack of husbandry ( which confirms their savagery ) and , thus , appears a natural reward of their refusal to accept the civility of English rule .
27 For this reason the theory has been called a subjective theory of atonement because it insists that the cross changes us , not God ; that he is always forgiving .
28 British Telecom says it plans to develop links between the two companies ' local network management systems — Hewlett-Packard 's OpenView and Sun 's SunNet Manager , and its own Concert system — and chose those two companies as its first partners because it believes that between them they control about 60% of the local network management market .
29 British Telecom says it plans to develop links between the two companies ' local network management systems — Hewlett-Packard 's OpenView and Sun 's SunNet Manager , and its own Concert system — and chose those two companies as its first partners because it believes that between them they control about 60% of the local network management market .
30 Civic Forum and PAV leaders expressed a wish to include Jan Carnogursky , Deputy Premier in the outgoing government and a leading figure in the CDM , but the CDM initially refused to join the government because it felt that the poor showing of the CDU/CDM in the elections would prevent the implementation of anything in its programme .
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