Example sentences of "[noun] because [pron] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If you check with erm Dennis because they 're doing all , you know , doing the contract documents , he could confirm all the , the current addresses .
2 A nerve jiggled at the corner of Meredith 's mouth because she was beginning to piece small bits of information together and was coming up with a heap of worries .
3 ‘ Do you think I 'm jealous of Eleanor because she 's spent the last four years with you , and I have n't ? ’
4 Only Laura 's secure philosophy of family life enabled her to combine the roles because she was given school holidays and other crucial times off .
5 The analysis is based on observations of professional — parent and professional — child interactions during the assessments of thirty children referred to the Schools Psychological Service in three LEAs because they were thought to have emotional and behavioural difficulties .
6 The Bulgarian government has decided to suspend production at the country 's biggest lead plant for several months because it is causing severe pollution to nearby agricultural land .
7 It 's inadequate er and it it creates the impression in my mind , the very possibility that the government is actually is in favour of fraud because they 're doing to little , far too little er and these regulations are far too little er to actually stop it down .
8 And it was all your own fault because you were stinking pig greedy and ate all my chocolate . ’
9 Mr Hrawi has not been able to move into the presidential palace in the Beirut suburb of Baabda because it is occupied by Gen Aoun .
10 Mr Hrawi has not been able to move into the presidential palace in the Beirut suburb of Baabda because it is occupied by Gen Aoun .
11 And I think it was , we were willing to go back to work and carry on discussions , albeit without earning any bonus because we were working to rule at the time , but it was what happened in er the quarry that really started the strike , when he laid the workforce off because they were helping us , or joining us in sympathetic action , you know there was a lockout up there , so I think that speeded up things considerably .
12 We have been starved of second-hand cars because nobody was trading them in for new ones , but this should change that . ’
13 I would suggest that there were no pictures of the cup final pitch invasion by Linfield fans because ( 1 ) they were celebrating a brilliant goal , but more importantly ( 2 ) the police put the Glenavon fans further back than the Linfield fans because they were provoking the Bluemen .
14 No elections were held in the predominantly Tamil Northern and Eastern Provinces because it was judged that the Tamil Tiger terrorists would have set about disrupting them .
15 Around the turn of the century , there was much disenchantment with freemasonry because it was negating its original secrets of the occult and becoming more a social club and friendly society .
16 Its 7-cm picture , which appears on a twisted nematic liquid-crystal display , is visible only in the dark because it is backed by an electroluminescent material which produces its own light .
17 We 'd get our demands because anything was done to shut us up and get us out of their offices .
18 And one of the things we set out to do was to bring some stability to the industry because everyone was trying to carve prices up .
19 Likewise , on the bottom of the wind circle , the winds decrease in speed because they are blowing against the flow of the storm 's tracking momentum .
20 If someone stupidly backs into my car because they were chatting away to their passenger , I have a right to be cross .
21 He could n't use his own car because they were going to be way out of radio range , and he needed the car telephone with the scrambler attachment .
22 They were bubbling in the car because they were going away on holiday .
23 In fog there is an atmosphere first of temper and then of inertia , followed by improvization and a peculiarly relieved conviviality , like the illogical sense of reprieve that lies in having to eat a carefully planned picnic lunch inside a car because it is pouring with rain outside .
24 ‘ I fired at the car because it was going into the rest of my team , endangering their lives . ’
25 The Nationwide Building Society felt that they could not increase their investment because it was linked to unchanged valuations and therefore the new ratio of public to private funds had to be higher than before , even though the housing association was prepared to invest some of its own resources .
26 ‘ We 've been unable to give a name to Graham 's condition because we 're mystified by it , ’ he says .
27 The water stays clear and in good condition because it 's sealed in
28 She wore a collar like Aunt Margaret 's but it could not chafe her neck because she was made of wood .
29 Anything that is done for shock value has no future because it 's done for the moment .
30 Five paintings by a mass murderer , once withdrawn from auction because they were thought to be in bad taste , have been bought by a collector .
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