Example sentences of "[noun] now [verb] up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 These myths mostly trace to his own misleading reminiscences later in life , and have been relentlessly reaffirmed since , at the 1959 centennial symposia for example and in the 1978 BBC-TV series on Darwin ; but they are nonetheless discredited by the scholarly industry now grown up around the rich manuscript archive from Darwin 's early years ( Kohn , 1986 ) .
2 FIRST seen at the King 's Head six years ago , Sheridan Morley 's elegant and civilised entertainment Noel and Gertie now turns up at the Comedy in much revised form .
3 And so it seems to me that erm we must look to you sir and Miss Whittaker to say what you feel as er independent erm hearkeners to the debate er we it 's time as I would say for erm North Yorkshire now to face up to what 's going on in its own territory and remove the planning obstacles to what is actually happening and just to make sure that it 's safely tied up with criteria to make sure it does n't erm erm unhappy consequences instead of the happy consequences that we are trying to achieve .
4 With the US and European price war now boiling up in Japan , the picture for 1993 promises to alter significantly — and the availability of much cheaper personal computers is seen as a major opportunity for US software vendors .
5 But it does seem that he had some hint of the future : not only does his idea of the arena in which Pandemonium ( 1831 ) took place look like Wembley Stadium but his high-rise Tower of Babel in Belshazzar 's Feast might almost have been modelled on the General Accident Life building now going up at the side of Lendal Bridge on the way to York 's Railway Station .
6 But Tandri now came up with the bright idea of charging an exorbitant additional fee for every island we needed to call at en route .
7 However , the world tourism market is fiercely competitive and becoming ever more so with the countries of Eastern Europe now opening up as holiday destinations .
8 To help sustain that substantial expansion of local government expenditure , the Government have shifted the burden so that central Government now bear up to 89 per cent .
9 A major row now blew up between the Ministry of Agriculture and the Department of the Environment .
10 The police now have up to ninety-six hours , i.e. four days and nights , to detain people without charge .
11 Police now believe up to nine serious crimes may be linked .
12 As a college lecturer , Slee comments ( 1989 p.130 ) that this is what has happened for many of the students now coming up through secondary schooling , as several of her own students can testify .
13 Yes children should be at school and not at work but how can we ignore all those millions of others now growing up without this opportunity .
14 I have a granddaughter now going up to Burnt Mill and I think myself , they could n't have done any better in the grammar school .
15 as the race for the world championship hots up its time now to catch up with all the rest of the sports news …
16 As sea level falls ( because water is trapped in the ice sheets ) sediments now locked up in river deltas would be eroded .
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