Example sentences of "[noun] than [pers pn] [be] for " in BNC.

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1 The feelings are no less intense for inspectors and headteachers than they are for students and teachers in their first appointment .
2 This is more of an illusion than it is for Britain because there is even less semblance in the US of centralised , national government .
3 It may be hard to accept , but the argument goes that it is easier for a creative and original performer to learn how to play his instrument than it is for a consummate player to learn creativity .
4 They are thus willing to pay several times more for the wealthy readers than they are for the less wealthy or poor .
5 Although many lone parents work , Table 4 shows that earnings from employment are less likely to be their main source of income than they are for two parent families although for both groups this will be affected by fluctuations in employment and unemployment .
6 It is neither more nor less important that a mentally handicapped adolescent finds a place of work than it is for any other adolescent .
7 Altering the diet is also far more risky for a child than it is for an adult , so there are more difficult decisions to be made before embarking on an elimination diet .
8 But the Princess Sabatini was no more responsible for her egotistical grandson than she was for tonight 's overblown charity event .
9 ‘ I think he was better casting than I was for the part .
10 Von Tunzelmann , remarking that prices had the greater influence on real wage trends over this period , finds that the indices available are much closer to each other than they are for the periods on either side .
11 Unfortunately , video imaging systems are not very tolerant of contrast , and the range of brightness between the lightest and darkest areas of a picture which can be reproduced is very much less for video than it is for ordinary colour photography .
12 It is much more effort for the speechreader than it is for you .
13 Freedom of choice is no longer on the agenda , especially now that American Jews have discovered that it is easier to raise money for absorbing Soviet Jews in Israel than it is for resettling them in the US .
14 on providing youth facilities in Netherhall than it is for five hundred thousand pounds
15 Horses learn new things easily when they are young ; it is actually easier for them to learn new things than it is for older horses .
16 , I mean it 's a lot easier to think of these things than it is for the other one , er , you would say , that was actually lazy bastard , but we did n't want to offend anybody , er , useless git ,
17 Starting and staying in business is more difficult for certain types of people than it is for others .
18 I mean , we do n't stand still at this because what will seem a very good service this year will look like a lousy service in five years ' time so let's not pretend the fact that we have n't achieved everything we 've achieved this year in some previous years means that we have n't made any improvements because I think one of the key areas where in fact er improvements have been made in previous years , and to a certain extent , one could say reading this I was worried by an apparent admission of very much reference or very much expenditure on them in the provision of day centres , because I think that a key element in care in the community and the fact that today so successfully this year has been the fact that a major number of th and I do n't think there 's any disagreement over this , a number of day centres , very efficient and very effective day centres , were developed , funded , provided mainly in the conurbation areas and I think Mr is right to highlight the fact that , as so often happens in these instances , it 's people who live in conurbations who get the best deal because it 's , it 's more economical , it 's easier to provide a centre for a large number of people than it is for a small number of people .
19 A closer look at the DoNH budget reveals extraordinary disparities ; including the fact that they will , by 1995–96 , be giving more than 10 times as much to each of several central London museums than they are for all the national activities and programmes of the English Tourist Board .
20 Thus , Walker points out that , in 1981 , 66.8 per cent of all pensioners lived at or below the 140 per cent supplementary-benefit level , compared with one-fifth of the non-elderly ; and the risk of experiencing poverty is three times greater for those over retirement age than it is for those below it .
21 The risk of experiencing poverty is twice as great for those over retirement age than it is for below retirement age ( Johnson and Webb , 1990 ) .
22 It is clear that local government promises to be an even worse headache for the new government than it was for the old .
23 Is n't it , but you do n't you think that 's more so for females than it is for males , the fact that it is such a dirty thing that , that applies more to females than it does , to males ?
24 ‘ No more unlikely , surely , for a girl from Darlington than it is for a boy from the East End of London ? ’
25 We need to remember that it is no more natural for women to live longer than men than it is for them to have lower incomes , to expect to give up work if their men wish it at marriage or in later life , to be the keepers of family memory , the main carers of those in need , the main sufferers from the empty nest as children leave home .
26 It is extraordinary that it is easier for the EC to export to Hungary , Czechoslovakia and Poland than it is for those countries to export to the EC .
27 This has also led to the massive wave of international intercontinental migration , the largest since the decades before 1914 , which has , incidentally , both aggravated inter-communal frictions , notably in the form of racism , and made a world of national territories , ‘ belonging ’ exclusively to the natives who keep strangers in their place , even less of a realistic option for the 21st century than it was for the 20th .
28 In societies where the organization of social and economic life is based much more closely on kinship than it is for most people in contemporary Britain , women 's involvement in exchanging goods and services with female relatives plays an important role in maintaining the solidarity of the kin group .
29 However , this was far less significant for physics students than it was for the physical science and materials students .
30 This situation was worse for the Communist Party women than it was for the men .
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