Example sentences of "[noun] could be show to " in BNC.

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1 In R v London Borough of Harrow , ex pDeal [ 1989 ] FCR 729 the Court of Appeal confirmed that judicial review would lie if a decision to place a child 's name on the register could be shown to be utterly unreasonable .
2 He looked at the crime figures reported by the Merseyside police , where the increase in clear-up rates could be shown to be related to the number of prison visits by police officers .
3 Once one had accepted the initial premise of statements about witchcraft , the processes of thought could be shown to be the same as those entailed in scientific thought .
4 On appeal , this assumption could be shown to be false and the village ends up with a significant new development site ; it is this type of appeal decision which leaves the layman surprised and frustrated at the way in which the system operates .
5 The classic realists could be shown to be just as transgressive and problematic as the modernists .
6 He therefore sought to prove both that the structures of history were necessarily dialectical and that the course of actual history could be shown to be so .
7 But if some existing races could be shown to be closer to the apes than others , would this not prove their inferiority ?
8 One group of sites could be seen to be more or less contemporary because they produced the same types of tool , while those which produced other types could be shown to be earlier or later in date .
9 If crime and deviance could be shown to be vitally necessary then this would be a serious blow indeed to the correctionalist stance — of both positivists and classicists .
10 The hypothesis that states pursue their national interest could be shown to be empirically superior to its rivals , thus grounding a Positive science of international relations .
11 Ricardou was particularly guilty of attempting to establish an officially sanctioned list of approved modernist precursors : the criteria he used were based on a simplistic and over-schematic distinction between writers who accepted a mimetic function and those for whom the materiality of language could be shown to be paramount .
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