Example sentences of "[noun] should be [vb pp] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He and the Prince should be left alone !
2 Drains should be kept clear of trees to avoid damage by roots .
3 Skin should be patted dry , not rubbed .
4 Each user should be made responsible for checking any SSRs generated for their project and should only submit an SSR once they are satisfied that it correctly and adequately reports the status of an area of software .
5 Equally important is the distinction Marx repeatedly draws between the occurrence of small-scale ‘ domestic ’ slavery and whole societies based on the exploitation of slaves , such as was the case for Greece and Rome , and the insistence that these two cases should be kept separate .
6 The role of psychotropic medication in such cases should be made clear to the patient , particularly where medication is only a means of assisting coping behaviour rather than dealing with patients ' fundamental problems .
7 But I agree with you , more money should be made available , and we wo n't go into how much money they lost on trying to save the pound !
8 British Rail should be given proper funding .
9 I do n't think that income taxes should be cut next year .
10 It was resolved also that half an hour should be occupied each Sunday at the close of the School to teach the children the hymns of the Lancashire Sunday School Hymnbook .
11 So we consider that creditors should be given this duty .
12 Plastered surfaces should be made smooth .
13 The European Parliament should be given further additional powers : powers to initiate proposals for legislation , which would be considered by the Commission and the Council of Ministers ; powers of second reading on social and environmental decisions by the Council of Ministers .
14 He emphasised that the European Parliament should be given more teeth to ensure value for money and for scrutinising how the Commission spends taxpayers ' money .
15 For that reason a divisor should be chosen that is not itself divisible by 2 , 3 , 5 , 10 or any of their simple multiples .
16 I was heartened to note that a new clause was inserted during the Bill 's progress through Parliament , stipulating that the results of a pupil 's assessment should be made available only to the pupil 's parents , the governors or the LEA .
17 Before low vision aids are prescribed , an assessment should be made both of the child 's vision and of the varied classroom , home and leisure situation in which the aid will be used .
18 The Woolf Inquiry Report proposed that prisoners should be allowed more family visits and should be held closer to home in community prisons .
19 And he has made it clear that an all-German election should be held next year at the earliest , not as a quick substitute for the West German one in December .
20 First , it recommended that local authorities should be made responsible for all long-term care of mentally handicapped and physically handicapped people , except for the rare few in need of permanent 24-hour medical supervision , who would remain the responsibility of the NHS .
21 If they are , will they honour their own commitment by recognising that the overwhelming majority of parents want to stay with local authorities and that therefore local authorities should be given all the backing and support possible by the Government to make a success of their role in the future .
22 Local authorities should be given some money to get them out of the mess .
23 National Park Authorities should be given last resort compulsory purchase powers ( on a similar basis to Section 29 Orders ) to be used where voluntary agreements fail .
24 National Park Authorities should be given last resort compulsory purchase powers under new legislation on a similar basis to Section 29 ( of the Wildlife and Countryside Act , 1981 ) applying to NCC .
25 It was proposed initially that the ten water authorities should be privatised intact , but these proposals were abandoned .
26 They also discussed a proposal by Jacques Delors , the President of the EC Commission , that East Germany should be given preferential status as a potential EC member .
27 Sentences in press releases should be kept short .
28 Berlioz would have shouted a protest there and then , but Plantade registered his with the Courrier des spectacles : ‘ masterpieces should be left alone ’ .
29 Third , cyclists should be accorded privileged use of existing facilities ( Figure 9.4 ) .
30 For illustrative purposes , I suggest that two specific groups should be made eligible for these capital grants — those aged twenty , on the threshold of independence , and those at forty-five , the ideal time for career reassessment and a possible fresh start .
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