Example sentences of "[noun] may also [be] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We know that X-rays can be extremely hazardous , and it is possible that the frequencies associated with laser printers and microwave ovens may also be suspect .
2 Exotoxins may also be cell associated , they 've , they may not be a sa , they 're not a structural component , but , particularly in grand negatives exotoxins er , are released first into the peraplasmic space , the space between the two membranes , and the the actual release into the medium er , may require cell .
3 Certain characteristics or traits of the child , including low birth-weight , prematurity , illness in infancy , and impediments to attachment and bonding may also be factors .
4 Famed for its set-piece shower stabbing ( in which neither Janet Leigh nor Tony Perkins were involved , and the blood substitute is actually chocolate sauce ) and sudden , violent murders , Psycho may also be Hitchcock 's saddest film .
5 The insistence that Cnut intended Harthacnut to succeed to his entire kingdom may also be suspect , given the succession dispute which followed his death .
6 Specific situations may also be role played prior to homework being conducted .
7 Fear of the idea 's theft , lack of time , or lack of incentives may also be deterrents to the idea originator .
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