Example sentences of "[noun] may be [vb pp] on " in BNC.

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1 Similarly , contracts may be concluded on consistent terms at a number of outlets , over a period of time , and despite changes in personnel .
2 If the words used are wide enough for the above purpose , the court must then consider whether " the head of damage may be based on some ground other than negligence " .
3 The police hope is that the IRA gang or individual responsible for this damage may be captured on film .
4 Eye-witnesses claim it dives beneath the surface of Loch Argyll , and its footprints may be seen on the muddy shore each dawn .
5 Youth clubs may be organized on authoritarian or democratic lines to see how the members enjoy different forms of leadership .
6 For example , in training in the use of computerized information services , personnel may be sent on courses organized by database producers like INSPEC or the Chemical Abstracts Service .
7 Money may be deposited on terms that make early withdrawal disadvantageous .
8 ( 4 ) A payment may be made on such terms that it has been agreed , expressly or impliedly , by the recipient that , if it shall prove not to have been due , it will be repaid by him .
9 The index may be based on page numbers or in a report , in section order .
10 Acyclovir may be given on a long term basis to people with HIV who have had an attack of shingles , or have frequent attacks of herpes simplex .
11 Estimates of the total market value of each segment may be compiled on the basis of those determining variables used to define and quantify the segment .
12 However these projections may be based on assumptions which also require re-examination .
13 Copies of the text may be obtained on request from Dr A.D. McNaught , the Royal Society of Chemistry , Thomas Graham House , Science Park , Milton Road , Cambridge CB4 4WF .
14 Chem. copies of the text may be obtained on request from Dr A. D. McNaught , The Royal Society of Chemistry , Thomas Graham House , Science Park , Milton Road , Cambridge , CB4 4WF .
15 Extended bar opening hours may be arranged on request , and facilities for sherry receptions are available .
16 Criteria for criterion-referenced assessment may be derived on the basis of an analysis of the subject matter in terms of the skills , concepts and strategies required to meet a criterion .
17 Revaluation of properties Under Irish GAAP , property values may be restated on the basis of appraised values in financial statements prepared in all other respects in accordance with the historical cost convention .
18 Their values may be depicted on an Argand diagram and it is normal practice to denote zeros by drawing circles and poles by marking crosses at relevant points .
19 To summarise , the ‘ absolute income ’ hypothesis may be criticised on two major grounds : ( a ) for not providing an adequate explanation of the different sets of income-consumption data ; ( b ) for not taking into account the influence of wealth and the rate of interest on consumption , and so for not being consistent with the microeconomic analysis of consumer behaviour .
20 Significant age norms may be identified on the basis of the age at which most children first demonstrate a particular linguistic skill .
21 Sand blown from the very wide sand flats at low tide may be trapped on the bank by pebbles or by such debris as barbed wire or any of the usual drift commonly found on beaches .
22 The decision may be challenged on the ground that the building in question was unfurnished .
23 Such a decision may be given on the plaintiff 's application on seven days ' notice to the Crown ( Ord 42 , r 5(1) , ( 2 ) ) .
24 In the circumstances , however , the period of remand should clearly be as short as possible so that an early decision may be made on the full evidence .
25 Alternatively , reliance may be placed on the common law , alleging that the odour amounts to either a private or public nuisance at law .
26 Where is it clear that reliance may be placed on our association with the preparation of financial information , and where that reliance is not justified by the nature of the association , we should take every opportunity to make the nature of our position clear ( for example , in discussing information , prepared but not reported on by ourselves , with a client 's bankers ) .
27 A warrant suspended at the request of the execution creditor may be re-issued on the application of the creditor to the court holding it .
28 Please note that prices quoted by hotels and guest houses may be based on double occupancy of a room .
29 The varices may be seen on barium enema or at colonoscopy and aortoportography is diagnostic .
30 This may be used at a variety of levels of sophistication and economic generality , thus : 5.3 i ) Models at company level may be based on econometric equations for instance to analyse the relationship between price and demand , perhaps using the model .
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