Example sentences of "[noun] may [vb infin] been [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But in view of passages in Revelation like 7:3 which speak of ‘ sealing the servants of God in their fore-heads ’ , and Romans 4:11 which speaks of circumcision as ‘ the sign and seal of being in the right with God through faith ’ , it is not impossible that baptism may have been in the apostle 's mind when he spoke of this sealing with the Spirit .
2 Now to the house itself , one of the early observers gives us a clue when mentioning the house he writes of the fine Elizabethan chimneys still standing , these I believe are those which collapsed in 1973 after having previously been lowered owing to their dangerous condition , on the collapse of these some fine timber framing was discovered in the older parts of the house showing considerable blackening , and Mrs Lingham informed me that vestiges of a gallery were discovered , and it was suggested that this part of the building may have been of the hall type .
3 Ford 's money may have been in evidence , but Ford 's men were not .
4 So it 's a bit frightening when you think a pensioner 's money may have been in that account at thirteen fifty on a , on ten thousand invested , and now they 're down to seven hundred .
5 The Judge said the gang may have been in a state of panic , but the police were unarmed and it was miracle they were n't seriously injured .
6 Whatever Aachen may have been in the past , it has settled down now to being a prosperous commercial town with few pretensions .
7 In many circumstances the service to the University may have been over a period several times the 3 years of undergraduate study .
8 Welsh rulers , with whom Offa may have been at war and who possibly ruled in British territory subject to him , could have been among the kings of the Scots ( Irish ) who recognized the lordship of Charlemagne .
9 Police believe the Sierra may have been on its way to take part .
10 However successful these policies may have been in the fifties we have , I believe , convincing evidence that they have failed since the world-wide inflation which started with the mismanagement of the finances raised to pay for the Vietnam War .
11 CLEAR SIGNS that a doping ring may have been in operation emerged yesterday when the Jockey Club admitted that Surrey police are investigating the ‘ nobbling ’ of a horse at Yarmouth last August .
12 Although he had many substantial patrons , Evesham may have been in financial straits in the mid-1620s .
13 Those who pursue comparisons of the kind I am referring to are likely to be impressed by the staying-power of a literary preoccupation to which a variety of temperaments and compulsions has been attracted , and could well be inclined to believe that Pechorin 's duel and indifference may have been among the precedents that weighed , a century later , with a woman bent on contriving her appointment with destiny .
14 If so , Cnut 's attack on Ely may have been after 1016 .
15 Enthusiastic as some of the clergy may have been for war and seduced as they sometimes were by their own eloquence and propaganda for it , they were less eager about the burdens which it entailed .
16 However convenient the conflict of love and honour may have been to Anthony Hope as the motive force of his books , he treated it seriously within their emotional climate .
17 Suggestions that the Bank of England may have been behind the operation were rejected by market professionals .
18 However popular such finely decorated silver plates may have been among the wealthy Britons , it is highly unlikely that they would be seen by the working potters , who would have had to rely on a more popular source for their repertoire .
19 Any parent who is worried their child may have been in contact with the doctor can still phone the hospital for advice .
20 However widespread such an attitude may have been in popular piety ( and perhaps it has been widespread ) , and though it may be thinkable to a Latin American theologian today , it is hardly orthodox .
21 These upland areas may have been in the form of downland , with good quality grassland , or rough upland pastures , such as the commons and wastes of the higher mountainous regions .
22 An argument for the co-evolution of dispersers and their trees is that they , in contrast , avoid the seeds , though in the past such seeds may have been in some way indigestible , promoting the relationship of today .
23 Police have searched the house They think robbery may have been behind the attack and they note that the house was open and there 's no evidence of a fight .
24 Police believe the body may have been in the field for several weeks and they 're still investigating the cause of death .
25 The rise of cities in the modern world is undoubtedly not independent of the emergence of modern power-driven machine technology , mass production , and capitalistic enterprise ; but different as the cities of the earlier epochs may have been by virtue of their development in a pre-industrial and pre-capitalistic order from the great cities of today , they were also cities .
26 However , complex these ideas may have been in their original conception , they were taken over by many educationalists in a simplified , stereotypic form , typified by the supposed dichotomy between ‘ elaborated ’ and ‘ restricted ’ codes .
27 However amenable to overseas influence Boiotia may have been in the prehistoric period ( p. 83 ) , classical , fourth-century and hellenistic Boiotia was in many respects deeply conservative and introverted .
28 The various cups and horns in graves may have been for the consumption of alcoholic liquid , including beor , ealu , medu and win ( Fell 1975 ) .
29 We are all aware that streams dry up , valleys fill with silt ( Fig. 3 ) , and that changes can occur along the coast , but we perhaps underestimate how great these changes may have been in the last 1000 years .
30 I am not sure what Harold Brodkey may have been in his last incarnation , but he has now reached that most enviable of all earthly states , that of the American cult writer .
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