Example sentences of "[noun] may [verb] be [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But one problem which employers may face is employees ' reluctance to move to a cheaper area as they can foresee the difficulty of moving back into a high-priced housing area later on .
2 The appropriate words may have been sponsorship , influence or control but whatever they were they were bound up very much in local politics .
3 One reason for this slow recognition may have been doubt about the term itself and confusion concerning what is actually meant ( Dean et al . ,
4 Those who came up from the Kinlochleven side may climb Am Bodach with the plan to turn east and do Na Gruagaichean , or carry on westwards for Stob Ban .
5 While some dragons may have been comets , or indeed auroras , the majority appear to have been meteoric fireballs .
6 One of these early pictures may have been Miner with Shovel on his Shoulder , a clumsy Expressionist drawing in black chalk and wash .
7 Indeed , a factor of some importance in the slaying of Eorpwald may have been hostility to the way in which the kingdom of the eastern Angles had sunk under his rule to satellite status .
8 I 've come to suspect that the spring may have been sewage , having noticed that butterflies , however , beautiful , possess unsavoury habits .
9 The reply may have been non-committal , but his eyes were decidedly wintry .
10 The visit to Nyanga near Cape Town may have been tokenism , but at least it was a step in the right direction .
11 This requirement may have been part of our own history too .
12 3/ III World countries may have been aid purely for building a dam etc , rather than other projects .
13 Iehmarc may have been Echmarcach Ragnallson , later king of Dublin ( see below ) , but who possibly in 1031 controlled part of Galloway and maybe the Isle of Man .
14 Tripp 's starting point may have been road accidents , but his overall grasp of the problem took him into wider fields .
15 The vendor may have been Pantell S.A. The vendor may have been Swiss Atlantic Holdings Ltd. , a U.K. company , on whose behalf Pantell S.A. was , under an agreement dated 1 March 1988 , authorised to sell Euramco shares to the investing public on a commission basis .
16 On 14 December , a week before the second anniversary of the disaster , it ran a six-column headline : ‘ Jet Bomb May Have Been Gadaffi 's Revenge . ’
17 But the move may have been part of the general trend by oil companies to reduce drilling commitments as cash flow was squeezed by sluggish oil prices and huge spending programmes in the North Sea .
18 ‘ The brother 's name may have been John Griffiths but I have no real confirmation of this .
19 His mother 's name may have been Margaret .
20 Her name may have been Miss Ritchie .
21 Both Offa 's dislike of the men of Kent and the extent of the territory now coming under his control may have been factors in the situation in the late 780s , but in 798 Coenwulf and Leo were deploying these arguments selectively and in a way which compromises their validity as single explanations of what was probably a complex situation .
22 Another catalyst in London 's career may have been Lord Essex , who , with his gardener Moses Cook , laid out a forest garden at Cassiobury in 1677 .
23 Further documentary evidence of his life and work is scanty , but because his will is listed with those in the parish of St Sepulchre , just outside the walls of the City , it has been suggested that his father may have been William Larkin , the host of the Rose inn in that parish .
24 , John ( c. 1608–1691 ) , clerk of the parliaments , was born c .1608 , the only child of Thomas Browne , citizen and grocer of London , and his wife Joan , whose surname may have been Wilson .
25 Such wide spaces may have been places for furniture — certainly , a number of different positions from which to view a pavement is desirable .
26 Her dramatic assertion may have been wish fulfilment , a hyperbolic statement expressing her real desires , but with such an unstable outlook we could n't take any chances : publication was brought forward to June .
27 Such travellers may have been missionaries or emissaries , but the term presumably also encompasses those involved in commerce irrespective of whether they originated from across the English Channel .
28 From the other point of the compass , the finds from a Canadian village have led the organisers to postulate that the ‘ prairie country ’ of Norse myth may have been Newfoundland , discovered 500 years before Columbus .
29 Thus , the phenomenon may have been part of variability in English for many centuries — more common perhaps in some dialects than in others , receding at some periods and progressing at others .
30 Her many ‘ seeings ’ of Christ and the Holy Family may have been delusions which she actually lived through , as Ruskin lived through his conflicts with the Devil , or they may have been deliberately induced auto-hypnosis deriving from the Revelations of St Bridget , to whom Margery had a special devotion .
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