Example sentences of "[noun] when i [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Mig Romerez did not even recognise a football when I showed him one but his exotic appearance should be enough to impress those bumpkins in ‘ The Tip ’ crowd .
2 I did n't drive to work , so he would n't recognize my car when I followed him .
3 And er she says Jean I swear to God she says if she comes over near my door , I 've told Jim she says , I , I 'm ready for her I 'll beat her round that square and she said I 'm not like that but she says that 's just the way she says , and she hurt my kids when I sent them Easter eggs over , doing that she says , that really galled me , she says cos they were hurting my kids rather than me .
4 But as a preview , this was her reply when I asked her whether the problem was , not whether women needed more education , but that men needed educating about women .
5 The bag must have slipped off the jeep when I parked it . ’
6 ‘ I did n't know about Bella when I married her ; and I was an innocent abroad where women were concerned .
7 I saw it in your eyes when I met you .
8 I want to see the passion in your beautiful eyes when I touch you like this … ’
9 I confess that I literally gasped with disbelief when I heard him calmly announce his determination to get rid of the poll tax at the first possible opportunity .
10 My results were received with general disbelief when I announced them at a conference near Oxford .
11 ‘ Look , Ma , silly bugger or not , I can tell a piece when I see her , or smell her , and this one is n't wor Robbie 's type , nor none of our types .
12 I 'm more satisfied in my mind when I know it 's clean .
13 Almost as if you understood what was in my mind when I designed them . ’
14 Boy , am I going to give him a piece of my mind when I see him .
15 Jackie Marston , manager of the hospital social workers , was still negotiating funding for social work links with these surrounding districts when I met her and some of her team at the hospital .
16 I hate the white substance that oozes from bacon when I cook it .
17 so that he would n't upset himself by barking , that 's why I tapped on the window when I saw you .
18 He filched them from my wardrobe when I kicked him out .
19 But it is worth mentioning what a very experienced and established psychiatrist told me about his work when I interviewed him .
20 Then this would never have happened , or if it had ( I could n't bring myself to unwish an experience which still washed over me with waves of delight when I remembered it ) at least Toby would have known what he was doing , his eyes would have been open .
21 Old hands from the music business — usually loquacious if invited to reminisce — were struck by collective amnesia when I asked them about Dury .
22 It 's just that Hubert was always such a fool when I knew him , and I hoped he might have acquired a little common sense in the meantime .
23 I shall certainly be following this matter up with the council when I meet it shortly .
24 AFTER months of enduring the relentless taunts of Robin Cook , my Somerset neighbour William Waldegrave was in remarkably equable mood when I found him washing his car on Friday morning .
25 ‘ I was on my way home from New York with my brother Simon after a scouting mission for models when I spotted her at the airport with her father .
26 ‘ In my last year at school another teacher roared with laughter when I said I wanted to be a professional footballer .
27 Then I tried the new needle supplied with the machine when I bought it many years ago .
28 ‘ D ’ , my husband , did n't accept me loving another girl when I told him I was a lesbian , but after a while he accepted me as Carla — 100 per cent .
29 I do n't know which was more humiliating , that git 's performance , or the ape-like dance and inane grinning of Reg Pybus when I pulled him off .
30 All at once I was gusted along , and really felt : a heartbeat when I saw him , a warmth when he touched me ; I smelt the flowers he bought me and the spicy perfume he put on his skin .
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