Example sentences of "[noun] when it is not " in BNC.

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1 If you pay SSP when it is not due , you will have to make good any mistake .
2 If we pretend there can be law when it is not clear what the law is , we will lose sight of the intimate connection between law and fair warning , and our politics will be less just in the future .
3 And when one thinks of individual subjects , why is mathematics typically in the science faculty when it is not a science ?
4 There is also a systematic neutralization of the proximal-distal dimension when it is not especially relevant , so that I can say , searching through a tin of needles for a number 9 , either : ( 75 ) This is it ! ( 76 ) That 's it !
5 As breastfeeding is often difficult enough for women to manage , please do not further discourage other women from breastfeeding when it is not this factor which is mainly responsible for the loss of shape .
6 Inevitably there are times and places when it is not possible to have a proper discussion on AIDS .
7 If you plan to eat in the living room , try to buy as generous a table as possible but one which will look quite in keeping with the room when it is not laid for a meal .
8 If British Rail is under pressure to increase the frequency of its service , there is a case for a coordinated transport system operating bus and rail services , If there is a need for transport when it is not convenient to run rail services , or if only a certain number of trains can run on a line because goods trains and passenger services can not operate at the same time — although perhaps British Rail should be more innovative in its mix of passenger and freight services perhaps it is a good idea for British Rail and the bus services — as they are today , not as they will be affected by the Bill — to get together .
9 Thus although it is commonly suggested that the notion of certainty is relevant to the analysis of claims to knowledge , but not to the analysis of knowledge itself ( e.g. , in Woozley , 1953 ) , this leaves us with no method of explaining why certainty should be required before one can claim knowledge when it is not required for knowledge itself , i.e. , for the existence of what one is claiming .
10 George Orwell was particularly fond of striking these contrasts between the ordered stability of the past against the awfulness of the present , and he was also thoroughly wound up in the myths of English civility : ‘ The gentleness of the English civilisation is perhaps its most marked characteristic ’ , he wrote in an essay of 1940 , ‘ Everyone takes it for granted that the law , such as it is , will be respected , and feels a sense of outrage when it is not . ’
11 To abolish committal proceedings — this is a practical proposal which will cut the cost of magistrates ' court hearings by eliminating the need for solicitors and defendants to attend court when it is not absolutely necessary .
12 The other dates when it is not available are 6th — 7th March and Easter weekend 9th — 11th April .
13 The central core of Formen is really an attempt to answer fundamental preliminary questions for Marx 's theory of capital : what is property when it is not property as visualized in the particular formulation of capitalism ?
14 This prevents a permanently installed generator from being charged by the battery when it is not creating an output itself .
15 The real criticism of Mr Pound is not to be directed against his theory as such , but rather at the hasty headlong fashion in which he presents it , at the logical confusion of his intellect when it is not performing the task which is specifically his own , that task being poetry .
16 Pulling out of side roads when it is not safe to do so .
17 It is sensible to keep the camcorder well protected in its carrying case when it is not being used and keep it there when conditions are hostile .
18 It is of course very difficult for the eye to register detail when it is not trained to look for it ; it is only when true students of the Gothic , like the elder Pugin , begin to distinguish the styles of different periods , that the buildings of the past really come into focus in the novel .
19 Naturally , there are occasions when it is not possible for the carrier to deliver the goods .
20 ‘ That is an inquisitorial power , which may work with great severity against third persons , and it seems to me to be obvious that such a section ought to be used with the greatest care , so as not unnecessarily to put in motion the machinery of justice when it is not wanted , or to put it in motion at a stage when it is not clear that it is wanted , and certainly not to put it in motion if unnecessary mischief is going to be done or hardship inflicted upon the third person who is called upon to appear and give information .
21 Overtaking the car in front when it is not safe to do so and then cutting in front .
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