Example sentences of "[noun] when she [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 In fact once submerged they had to find a red rod and drag themselves along it to the other side of the stage ; more than one mother screamed in fear when she saw the show .
2 Her work was recognised at Crufts when she won the breed rescue section of the Rescue Personality Of The Year Award , put together by Pet Plan and Dog World .
3 On one occasion , Du Camp records , ‘ Flaubert was leaving Paris for Rouen when she entered the waiting-room of the station and went through such tragic scenes that the railway officials were obliged to interfere .
4 Leith was reversing her car when she spotted the Jaguar which she had first seen — grief , was it only yesterday morning ?
5 She was pregnant with Maisie when she filmed the scene and found it very disturbing to have to act out the motions of a woman losing her baby .
6 One night she had just blown out the light when she had the sudden feeling that someone had entered the room .
7 The two-hour battle did not exactly revive memories of Croft 's professional heyday when she reached the lofty heights of world No 22 as she struggled with her serve , and produced too many errors to get into any sort of groove .
8 Sara said that she was standing at that window when she noticed the light in the office .
9 COUNCILLOR John Adams , a Unionist member of Derry City Council , got on well with Mrs Jean Kennedy Smith , the US Ambassador to Ireland when she visited the maiden city .
10 Matthew was sitting behind a big desk when she entered the office .
11 But in the same column Modigliani 's hand seems to be guiding her pen when she raises the question of the Turkish Jews in France , ordered to leave the country .
12 She pushed against fitzAlan 's massive chest , her fear escalating into panic when she saw the hot , unfocused glitter in his eyes .
13 She picked up the bag , checked inside to see that everything was still there , and was about to confiscate the switchblade when she heard the sound of a police siren in the distance .
14 Brooke-Rose resumed her scholarly work when she finished the novel , and Julia realizes in the end that while the ‘ frivolous ’ path precludes the ‘ serious ’ , the latter can provide a means of channelling her creative energies .
15 Mrs Bennett was standing in the hall when she entered the front door , beady-eyed and flustered like an angry hen .
16 Lise 's dance when she sweeps the floor before helping Mother Simone to spin is an excellent example of how the subtle timing of gesture can be and is helped by the appropriate choice of music .
17 The girl had just finished her 28 deliveries on her round and was 30 paces into the alleyway when she heard the running steps of the prowling rapist behind her .
18 STAFF at Drummond House are being invited to say why they would like to lunch with the Queen when she opens the building on 2 July .
19 Discovered alone in a remote cottage with a young female whose brother had once described her as ‘ a don , alas , but a dish when she takes the trouble , ’ had he quite deliberately misled the newcomer ?
20 Donaldson , 20 on Sunday , made a significant breakthrough when she reached the semi-finals of the Danish Open last month .
21 She instantly regretted the question when she saw the expression that crossed his face .
22 The couple 's Mediterranean cruise two summers ago was turned into a farce when she dialled the ship — and spoke to Diana by mistake .
23 Miss Watson 's appearance when she opened the side door alarmed Miss Fogerty quite as much as it had the small boy .
24 The letter announcing my visit lay unopened on the mat when she opened the door , and an hour later I came away believing that I admired a woman who could , under these circumstances and in some pain , treat me as if I had just stepped round the corner for a packet of tea ten minutes before , and talk to me about this and that , and nothing at all .
25 She arched a brow at him , feeling a shudder of pure sensation when she saw the open admiration in his dark eyes .
26 He looked up when he heard her , and Fran felt a ripple of heat curl along her veins when she saw the smile curving his lips .
27 Scottish international Lynn Harding , preparing for the Stockholm Marathon at the end of the month , set a course record when she won the women 's race by over four minutes from Durham City veteran Julie Coleby .
28 She was not prepared for , although not surprised by , Miss Bedwelty 's forthright reaction when she saw the animals in the refrigerator factory .
29 One of them , Zowina , later remembered her fright when she encountered the strange red-haired man with the square forehead prowling along a dark passage at night .
30 The Israeli Jews in the little kibbutz a mile or so away had never heard of it , but an old Arab woman in a long dark dress picking fruit pointed up a hill when she heard the name and shrugged her shoulders .
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