Example sentences of "[noun] when he have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 By notice of appeal dated 2 January 1992 , the child appealed against the order on the grounds , inter alia , that the justices erred when they found that he was likely to suffer significant harm as a result of his absconding as no evidence had been produced that he had suffered such harm when he had absconded .
2 And how dared he try to bolster up his male ego at her expense when he had made it so plain he did n't care a damn for her as a person ?
3 Such reading must have recalled Eliot 's Harvard reading in anthropology and psychology of religion when he had noted , amongst other things Jevons 's stress that ‘ the worship of stones is a degradation of a higher form of worship ’ .
4 In their few days together Thomas had made no reference to that night in the car when he had asked her to touch him , there .
5 It was perhaps a foregone conclusion that he would go into the family firm founded by his great-grandfather , John Cadbury , in 1824 , although he had two tempting offers from outside industry when he had completed his degree .
6 I do not mean to be offensive to the hon. Member for Sherwood when I say that he has entertained us with his prepared briefs in many of our coal debates , but that it is a bit rich of him continually to criticise the contraction of the coal industry when he has supported many of his Government 's policies on the industry .
7 Marius had confessed that he had crippled a Turkish immigrant in Stockholm and Alex was told the registration number of the Land Rover he had left behind at the German frontier when he had deserted .
8 The excitement was intensified when it became known that some time previously a railway clerk named Winter , who kept a black retriever , had shot himself in the porter 's cellar but Durham had claimed that he was unaware of the tragedy when he had encountered the ghost .
9 She knew precisely to what evidence he referred , had already experienced tactile proof of his arousal when he had held her so close to his warm naked body .
10 Marcus had shattered that soft innocence when he had turned on her like a rabid dog , snapping , destroying , infecting …
11 And McAllister remembered his silent distress when he had come home after losing a woman in childbirth not long after she had arrived in Vetch Street .
12 Part of his motive in undertaking to edit the Criterion had been to establish his own position within metropolitan culture and , since he had been a bank employee when he had begun the paper seventeen years before , in this he had triumphantly succeeded .
13 And in the 29th over Armagh captured the important wicket of McFarland brilliantly caught at mid-off by Bullick when he had reached 48 .
14 Because the blinkers had finally fallen from her eyes when he had asked her if it could be worse .
15 He thought of how she who lay beside him had locked in her heart for so many years that image of her lover 's eyes when he had told her that he did not wish to love .
16 ‘ Now , ’ Alexandra said to the hens when he had gone , ‘ come with me and I will show you where you will sleep . ’
17 She shook her head in disbelief when he had finished .
18 He 'd been about to call him and find out what was going on in Brooklyn when he 'd heard the voice and the rapping on the door .
19 Williams , Textbook of Criminal Law , 2nd edn , Stevens & Sons , 1983 , 764 , criticised Pitham : if a butler invites the maid to join him in stealing the Duke 's silver when he has found the key to the safe , surely he has not at that time appropriated the silver .
20 It was n't what Peter had had in mind when he had thought of the picnic .
21 In spite of her earlier misgivings at finding David in the pool , Rachel , still mindful of his pleasure when he had caught sight of her , soon began to enjoy herself and was disappointed when all too soon David blew the whistle again and said it was time to get out of the water .
22 Srikkanth continued to delight the statisticians , reaching 2000 runs in his 43rd Test when he had scored 10 .
23 It was true , she felt , for in the heat of the moment a voice was warning her that he was only moved by desire now because she had n't fallen at his feet when he had followed her to London .
24 Her large eyes were fixed on him , and she wished that she could go away and leave him in peace when he had laboured for so long and so hard .
25 Almost twenty years alter the incident Coleridge was persuaded by Byron to publish the poem , and he then made the sensational claim that he had been able to remember 200 to 300 lines of perfect poetry when he had awoken from a drug-induced sleep , and was busy writing them down when he was interrupted by someone from Porlock demanding to see him on business .
26 He fell asleep , but hours later he woke up and felt again — as he 'd felt for a moment in the hall when he 'd arrived — that he should n't be in this house .
27 Arthur immediately started to tell a story about a time in music hall when he had set out to behave less admirably and had cost a theatre manager a packet .
28 He was frightened that hostile readers of his theological work would be able to say that his religion could be ‘ explained ’ in terms of the Oedipus complex ( or perhaps the Hippolytus complex ) ; and that he was only able to find peace for his heart by coming to terms with a Heavenly Father of his own projection when he had seen the last of his earthly father in Belfast .
29 He must have ordered them by telephone when he 'd found himself unable to contact her direct .
30 At one such meeting a heckler had got a great round of cheers from the assembled throng when he had told Clasper to get off his bloody soap-box and do a day 's work for a bloody change .
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