Example sentences of "[noun] when [noun] [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 On May 13 a peaceful demonstration of students calling for the resignation of Ibrahim Babangida 's military regime degenerated into violence when police fired on the demonstrators with rubber bullets and live ammunition , killing at least seven people .
2 Nevertheless , it was no more than Scotland deserved for perseverance , and a fitting punishment for the obstinate Maltese when Nevin squeezed in a third goal in the 85th minute to ensure Scotland 's opening victory of this World Cup campaign .
3 She was on her second cup of tea when Harry blundered into the house like some evil giant out of a fairy story .
4 And then there was that night just before the murder when William came to him with his plan .
5 On the day arrangements went smoothly and we were settling ourselves on the 1220 ex Llangollen when Colin appeared in person , having done his work in the small hours and put our visit ahead of his sleep !
6 We now know from Russian eyes , particularly from Khrushchev 's much suspected but surely authentic memoirs , how precarious and nerve-ridden the future looked to the Communist high command when Stalin succumbed to his stroke on 5 March , 1953 .
7 The second offence came to light when Ironside drove to a local shop to buy food .
8 He was about to suggest that he had a break when Willie pointed to the letters and sounded them out on his own .
9 Childebert 's dux Guntram Boso is said to have captured an immense amount of gold and silver when Gundovald fled from Avignon .
10 She took great pleasure in watching my growing admiration for Estella , and my unhappiness when Estella laughed at me .
11 WILLIAMS RENAULT A true racing team , Williams won four Constructor 's Championships and three drivers ’ titles in the Eighties , but lost their momentum when Honda defected to McLaren in 1987 .
12 Miller was fast asleep in the passenger seat when Carrington got to the car , but he did not try to wake him .
13 János Hunyadi was regent of Hungary during the minority of King Ladislas V , but had to step down at the very moment of the fall of Constantinople when Ladislas came of age .
14 Mr Kumar made comments about referee Roger Wiseman , who asked not to officiate again this season after being struck on the head by a fan when trouble erupted at the end of Birmingham 's Third Division game against Stoke on Feb 29 .
15 Although a Rural Leases Bill designed to benefit tenants was placed before the Cortes , it was only half-heartedly pursued during 1932–3 and sank without trace when Azaña resigned from office in September 1933 .
16 He went along to Diana 's breathing classes to prepare for the birth and was there by her side in the private Lindo Wing at St Mary 's Hospital in Paddington when William emerged after sixteen hours of labour .
17 After an inevitable return to Leeds United for a brief spell as manager , Billy Bremner was finally sacked by his old club when results went against him .
18 These missiles were not used here but reappeared later near Fao when Iran fired at shipping at Kuwait 's Mina al-Ahmadi .
19 God knows what they would make of Georgina when Victoria passed on an estimate of her age .
20 The Russian writer , Ilya Ehrenburg , remembered evenings at the canteen when Modi sat on the stairs : ‘ sometimes declaiming Dante , sometimes talking of the slaughterhouse , of the end of civilization , of poetry , of anything except paintings . ’
21 She had just finished her breakfast of dripping and bread and a piece of cold bacon when Ben came into the room .
22 He was always at a loss when people acted like this .
23 There was no escape when Rush struck in the 24th minute , though there was luck about the Welshman 's strike .
24 The Government introduced the community charge legislation as a result of total panic about what was happening in Scotland when revaluation came before us again .
25 She had expected an immediate ‘ no ’ , and felt a moment 's panic when Luke failed at first to respond .
26 Barak swung round then let out a deep sigh when Laidlaw emerged from the shadows of an oak tree on the other side of the road .
27 Armstrong was denied a consolation goal for Comrades when Gillespie saved from him at point blank range in the 50th minute .
28 He reminded Mr Major that he was Chancellor when Britain went into the Exchange Rate Mechanism .
29 ‘ Everything 's going fine , ’ the girl said , not quite so much of a girl when Diane looked at her close-to .
30 Desmond Fairchild was loitering in the corridor when Meredith emerged from the rehearsal room .
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