Example sentences of "[noun] when [pers pn] [verb] him " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Kristian is very good with fans when they see him the street and ask him for autographs .
2 Mig Romerez did not even recognise a football when I showed him one but his exotic appearance should be enough to impress those bumpkins in ‘ The Tip ’ crowd .
3 I did n't drive to work , so he would n't recognize my car when I followed him .
4 Perhaps you can make another batch when we see him coming down from the moor-edge , ’ she suggested to her mother .
5 He reminded himself to ask one of the guards when they brought him his next meal …
6 There was a vicious irony that it should be Brian , who always confronted the guards when they treated him subhumanly , who was now being abused like a dumb animal .
7 That sounds really bad on the tape when you beat him up .
8 She knows that Isaac will take Jacob 's hands , and put his hand on his neck when he kisses him .
9 I confess that I literally gasped with disbelief when I heard him calmly announce his determination to get rid of the poll tax at the first possible opportunity .
10 If he left you in the lurch when you needed him most . ’
11 I wo n't half give him a piece of my mind when we catch him . "
12 Boy , am I going to give him a piece of my mind when I see him .
13 Nineteen year old Joseph from South London said he 'd been acting in self defence , and he was cleared of murdering Bob who 'd challenging him with a hammer when he found him slashing car tyres .
14 And he was cleared of murdering Bob who 'd challenged him with a hammer when he found him slashing car tyres .
15 He is alert to all the means at his disposal , and employs parody and even the stream of consciousness when it suits him .
16 Michael was already there ; he sensed their disappointment when they saw him , they had wanted it for themselves .
17 He filched them from my wardrobe when I kicked him out .
18 He would welcome the earl 's promised offering gladly , and withdraw in good order to his own monastery , though what he would visit on Tutilo when he got him safely back there might be dreadful to think of .
19 Please tell Charles Willoughby when you see him . ’
20 We may get more from Dr. Bonnard when we question him in depth .
21 But it is worth mentioning what a very experienced and established psychiatrist told me about his work when I interviewed him .
22 She 's got him booked in again at Cocaine Hall when she gets him back . ’
23 It 's just that Hubert was always such a fool when I knew him , and I hoped he might have acquired a little common sense in the meantime .
24 AFTER months of enduring the relentless taunts of Robin Cook , my Somerset neighbour William Waldegrave was in remarkably equable mood when I found him washing his car on Friday morning .
25 Bronson fell in love with Kim when she comforted him after the death of his actress wife Jill Ireland from cancer two years ago .
26 ‘ If you 've infected me already a few more minutes wo n't make much difference , ’ then grunted with laughter when she hit him .
27 Try to make her understand how other people feel by putting herself in their shoes ; by that , I do n't mean hitting her over the head yourself , but explaining to her the pain of the other child when she hit him .
28 A BEER-loving juror astonished a judge when he slipped him a note asking : ‘ When is it dinner time ? ’
29 ‘ D ’ , my husband , did n't accept me loving another girl when I told him I was a lesbian , but after a while he accepted me as Carla — 100 per cent .
30 I do n't know which was more humiliating , that git 's performance , or the ape-like dance and inane grinning of Reg Pybus when I pulled him off .
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