Example sentences of "[noun] when [pers pn] [verb] take " in BNC.

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1 If there are any holidays outstanding , ask employee when he/she wishes to take them before leaving .
2 Fred will feel the benefit when he comes to take over the business . ’
3 But as far as the church was concerned it was no joke when he refused to take excommunication seriously .
4 I remember one particular occasion when , on finding ‘ Cheer up Mona ’ written on the blackboard when I arrived to take a class , I went absolutely potty , threatening dire punishment on the whole class — the entire school almost — unless the culprit came forward .
5 They were both told of the lengthy queues when they rang to take children there for aid .
6 In fact 12% developed it at puberty , 17% during pregnancy , 19% when they started taking the birth pill and 27% , at the onset of the menopause .
7 In a stunning leap of logic Torino fined him a further £200 when he failed to take the field the following week against Inter-Milan .
8 She was being towed to the breakers when she began to take in water ( probably through the conning tower hatch which was only lashed down for the tow ) and sank .
9 Victims of torture or relatives are often subjected to threats when they attempt to take legal action against torturers .
10 Part of his stock-in-trade when he wants to take over an organization .
11 John Thaw himself hates beer , so it 's a real performance when he has to take a pint .
12 I 'll bring my matches when I like take the dog in I 'll nip upstairs and say I 've got ta get something and I 'll just grab my matches out of there in case he 's lost them or something !
13 He had felt the power of his position when he had taken a bottle to the room of any major and propositioned for information on the talk in the mess when he , the KGB 's ears , was not present .
14 Well when you had your grab , you used to lower it on the deck of the , deck of the erm trawler and when you open your grab , that much , a lot of it hold up in the grab you see , you could n't get so of course when you did take your grab up , lot of it went over the side .
15 For example it monitors driving times and can tell a driver when he needs to take a break .
16 His face wore that concentrated look she had grown used to , as if everything he did was the focus of all his energies — like the look when he 'd taken her in his arms and made his kiss seem the still point of the entire universe .
17 It is becoming hard to avoid the conclusion that the Government made an error of judgment when it decided to take Britain into the ERM in October 1990 , just as Germany was entering an economic crisis .
18 You must avoid negative study habits — like telling yourself you 'll begin that essay when you 've taken notes from one more book .
19 I indicated to the Bishop when I agreed to take the canonry that he did n't possess the personal qualities I require in my subordinates .
20 She had been discovered as a fourteen-year-old Moscow prostitute when she decided to take on the whole of a KGB barrackroom who were in need of relief .
21 In the final part of our series on the work of the RSPCA , Liz Hannam looks at the difficulties the society face when they try to take a cruelty case to court .
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