Example sentences of "[noun] when [pers pn] come [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Mother used to make a big meal to feed the beaters when they came to unload and help pack the grouse , but the food for the gentry was taken to the moor in large hampers .
2 Funny I 've got a sweet tooth when it comes to like chocolates and things like them
3 So with Amyas 's long , damp fingers pressed against her eyes , Jennifer was led stumbling into the passage , and on the way up to the house Sir Gregory tried to think how he was going to pacify his wife , who had never been able to forgive him for his infidelity and who had always resented the presence of his bastard 's daughter under her roof when she came to hear Mass .
4 We shall meet some more molar quantities in the next chapter when we come to consider thermodynamic quantities .
5 The leaflet will highlight issues which can be raised with parliamentary candidates when they coming knocking on doors , and will suggest some questions to ask .
6 Initially Dr. D. was in favour of leaving W. where she was , but he changed his mind when he came to give evidence .
7 Nobody in court can see them , but everyone hears their voices when they come to testify .
8 We are glad that she will be revisiting college when she comes to direct archaeological investigations at nearby Eynsham .
9 Do n't have the answer I 'm afraid and neither did poor old Shepherd when they came plundering again early in the second half .
10 Fred will feel the benefit when he comes to take over the business . ’
11 While this consensual attitude is certainly of enormous benefit when it comes to wage bargaining , it is of less value in politics .
12 Well I did n't have a cold when she came to see me !
13 But there was a detachment in their manner which shut people out , and frequently these children would refuse to take any notice of their parents when they came to visit .
14 The young man 's disillusionment when it comes confirms , not only the observer 's prediction , but the superiority of his evaluation over the young man 's , although not necessarily its correctness .
15 I struggled on for a while , but I know my limitations when it comes to design , especially as we have grown to expect a high standard in QP .
16 However , they are not Calvinists when they come to think about politics .
17 Sometimes there are the most startling surprises when we come to realise how someone else is looking at a situation which , to us , could only be perceived in one way .
18 Besides none of us ever knew the whole story , even though it was as plain as a pikestaff when you came to think about it .
19 ‘ You made her give up her work when she came to live with you , am I right ? ’
20 I did n't know and I hid from them in the semantics lab when they came to shrink me , and I sold myself to someone who did n't know how to do it .
21 ‘ I ca n't wait to see shear waters again , ’ I said brightly to the Warden when he came to check that we understood about Calor gas , to remind us to boil the drinking water and to tell us the exact procedure of what to do if we fell down a cliff .
22 Just as speeches by ministers made in association with the passage of an Act of Parliament are of little or no interest to a judge when he comes to interpret the law , so it is highly unlikely , though the matter has yet fully to be put to the test , that the Court of Justice will take much notice of intergovernmental pronouncements or agreements .
23 She put it on the kitchen table now but suspected it would still be lumps of ice when they came to eat it .
24 This procedure is also a help when you come to check the reply to your standard requisition : " Which of the abstracted documents will be handed over on completion ? "
25 But I expect no favours from Graham when it comes to team selection and I know they wo n't be offered .
26 Not much of a job when it came to put them on like the erm you know the pipe that pushes them out ?
27 We squashed side by side in the small double bed which I shared with Grandma when she came to stay .
28 The following analysis uses these post-redundancy histories as a guide to some of the influences on older workers when they came to decide whether or not to take early retirement .
29 I , I remember being stared at because I was wearing trousers when I came to live in Scotland forty four years ago !
30 It is worth remembering this point when we come to consider some responses to the Report .
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