Example sentences of "[noun] said [pron] [vb past] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Her lover said she needed time and space to rethink her parameters .
2 At one stage Mr Howes said he had hold of Alan 's arm … but his colleague was a dead weight , and he had to let go .
3 Oh Deborah was moaning cos she went to a party the other last one this week , I think at the beginning of the week , and the had Joey the clown and Mr Nuttey , she said oh I 'd like them , but Sue said she went sort of a bit earlier and see how they got on and eh , she said oh it was n't the same at five , they did n't respond and .
4 people who were not regular paper readers relied more on television , while Guardian readers relied more on the press ; but a plurality of every other paper 's readers said they found press and television equally useful .
5 Thirteen out of 14 youngsters said they had confidence in the police .
6 After hearing two days of legal argument at the Court of Session on whether relatives could sue for damage caused to a foetus , the judges said they wanted time to prepare a ruling .
7 The gathering ended when one of the section shaikhs said he had business to attend to that evening , they should ask for 6000 dinars , and please would Muhammad al-Sharifi close the proceedings .
8 Sealink said it faced modification costs on its fleet of 12 vessels .
9 Although DNs said they applied compression bandages to 73 per cent of affected limbs , 35 per cent of bandages used were inadequate to reverse the effects of chronic venous insufficiency .
10 ‘ However , current Education Minister John Patten said he regarded Church schools as making a crucial contribution to education but he had n't actually consulted them about opting out . ’
11 Responding to the survey , Environment Minister David Trippier said he shared FoE 's concern about air pollution , but believed that government and EC initiatives would eventually solve the problem .
12 On marketing , while branch managers said they believed interest rates were the biggest attraction to new customers , for the customers the key was close proximity to a branch .
13 All but one of the consultants said they provided feedback on the house officer 's progress , although one admitted it was little more than ‘ five minutes at the end to say thank you . ’
14 Last night Doisneau 's lawyer Julien Hay said he had proof that models posed for the picture .
15 Judge John Petrie said he took account of Wilson 's admissions to police but he could see no alternative to imprisonment , especially since some of the charges involved supplying other people .
16 As a former magistrate Cranog Jones said he had faith that the jury would believe he was innocent .
17 In a statement issued with Andre Benard , his French counterpart , Mr Morton said he believed agreement could be reached in time to put a fresh financial package in place by early next year .
18 Fining Paton , the sheriff said he took account of reports which revealed the ‘ exceptional background ’ in his personal life and also noted the information contained in medical reports .
19 Because we went b I think I was n't er a very well child and the doct when I left school the doctor said I left school at fourteen and he said I had to erm find a job out of doors .
20 The hospital said she had cancer of the stomach , the throat , the liver , the bladder and everything .
21 A Vatican statement said he saw love letters written by Henry VIII to Anne Boleyn before the schism .
22 For deciding how to vote , however , only a small plurality preferred television and 40 per cent of voters said they found television and the press equally useful .
23 The Ministry of Agriculture said it believed hemp , which can grow as high as 15ft , would be a minority crop and would not become a common feature of Britain 's rural landscape .
24 The prosecution alleges that , to justify the shooting , the soldiers said they opened fire on a stolen car after it had struck one of their patrol .
25 Five-months pregnant Pandora said they threw caution , and family planning , to the wind — despite Kevin 's looming fraud trial and biggest-ever £406 million bankruptcy .
26 The student chooses their own subject ; most of these subjects are right on the fringes of the course , or overlap several different courses , and what surprised me when I sent round a questionnaire was how much the students said they enjoyed essay-writing .
27 Having been recommended the site by the TDC , Mr Anderson said he thought planning permission would be a formality .
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