Example sentences of "[noun] have taken [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 Since the Clean Air Act of 1956 governments in the UK have taken responsibility for designating clean air zones in which certain types of pollution , notably the smoke caused by burning coal , are illegal .
2 Business studies have taken precedence for the 25-year-old Stokesley sprinter thus far into the season , but she steps belatedly on to the Olympic trail at Stanley Park on Sunday .
3 What it 's revealed , totally unexpectedly is the vast extent to which inappropriate placements have taken place for many years .
4 The interest sparked by the new series is expected to rival Thunderbirds and already the province 's top toy stores have taken orders for toys to coincide with the TV launch .
5 I have been able to get on with ‘ getting better ’ simply because my colleagues have taken responsibility for my work load ever since the Executive Committee Meeting in July , and I can not thank them enough for all that they have done .
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