Example sentences of "[noun] have been [vb pp] out " in BNC.

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1 Those words have been taken out and replaced by ’ an ever closer union ’ but what is the difference ?
2 ‘ The only cases where heavy damages should be awarded are where the words have been published out of malice , ’ said Mr Robertson .
3 The ‘ wild ’ characteristics have been bred out of them for many generations and few would survive long if released into the wild .
4 Further experiments with IIDA have been carried out and Chapman ( 1981 ) concluded that the use of IIDA as the sole training method produced searchers who used similar patterns of searching , whereas the use of another training method plus IIDA appeared to produce searchers with more ‘ varied ’ styles of searching .
5 200 post offices have been re-opened out of a pre-war total of 700 .
6 The undercover soldiers of the S-A-S have been singled out for their bravery in the Gulf War .
7 The Elton Report recommends that if a pupil is to be readmitted to school after an indefinite period of exclusion , the school should ensure that before the pupil is allowed to return his/her parent signs an agreement in which the terms of the pupil 's readmission have been spelt out .
8 Unfortunately , most of the early studies on owl digestion have been carried out on species that do little damage to the bones of their prey .
9 This is why we appear to be witnessing a new round of military coup attempts in those happy places where western prescriptions have been carried out with such fidelity : for example , Fujimoro in Peru last week , and the events in Venezuela in February .
10 Over the past 12 years , a series of large scale surveys of the British mechanical engineering industry have been carried out at CURDS .
11 First , some of our clients have been caught out by the different definitions for Pay As You Earn and National Insurance Contributions purposes .
12 Since 1980 , computer tomography of the thorax and upper abdomen and ultrasouns examination of the neck have been carried out in order to identify abnormal lymph nodes , which are then subjected to cytological examination .
13 They will be relatively easy to dispose of once the big warrens have been worked out and closed down .
14 Hilarious designs have been churned out of the factories and many a massive tongue has been laughed at .
15 However , some limited studies using animals have been carried out in France .
16 Other work on assessment of costs and benefits of such data have been carried out for the French government by Professor Didier ( 1990 ) .
17 How can such misery and fear have been created out of the vast natural wealth of our country ? ’
18 The goals have been set out .
19 1.26 Some of the risks have been taken out of the system of " once and for all " compensation by s32A of the Supreme Court Act 1981 ( Appendix B ) and the corresponding s51 of the County Courts Act 1984 .
20 that a major consultation has been going on in one is reminded of the earlier discussion about er St Albans , twelve thousand questionnaires have been sent out and there
21 Most of the notorious grade anomalies have been ironed out and the colour photos should whet people 's appetites .
22 SPURS ' Norway goalkeeper Erik Thorstvedt is n't shocked that Peter Beardsley and Chris Waddle have been left out of England 's squad .
23 The main lawn and border shapes have been laid out in a flowing line that leads you through the garden , echoing the curve of the path .
24 The rest of the letters after the consonants have been taken out : a e i o u y
25 Over three hundred sites have been picked out to show works by painters , sculptors and carvers and some orginal ideas have been seen .
26 There are whole stretches along the line where there is no fencing and posts have been pulled out . ’
27 Phase I clinical trials have been carried out on healthy volunteers to evaluate the way the drug is absorbed and its potential toxicity .
28 Despite the increased difficulties , trials have been carried out on the effects of homoeopathy in a chronic condition — rheumatoid arthritis .
29 This stage takes little time after pauses , L1 originals , and the resource person 's voicings have been edited out .
30 The civilian staff put out the empty milk bottles and leave the camp , another day 's work done , and the regimental police staff in the guardroom check to see that all the recruits have booked in and that all the visitors have been booked out .
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